We hope you have been safe and well during the term break. We are writing to you to provide an update in relation to schooling arrangements for Term 2.
- When will learning re-commence?
Classes will re-commence classes on Thursday, 16 April via our Online Learning Program. Our staff have been working very hard to ensure continuity of learning and support the well-being of our students.
- Will I be able to send my child to Al Siraat in Term 2?
As per the advices from the Premier of Victoria and the Victorian Chief Medical Officer:
All students who can learn from home must learn from home, with exceptions only in extremely limited circumstances. The College will provide supervision for students that fall within the following categories:
1. Children of essential front line workers who, in the absence of a classroom option, are forced to make a decision to stop working and stay at home to supervise children. Essential front line workers could be nurses, doctors, police officers, pharmacists, public servants, factory workers, delivery drivers, or a number of other jobs which are critical to keeping our society functioning.
2. Children who are vulnerable and do not have a suitable learning environment at home. This includes:
- children in out-of-home care
- children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm
- children identified by the school as vulnerable (including via referral from a family violence agency, homelessness or youth justice service or mental health or other health service and children with a disability)
3. Small groups of VCE Students on an as needed basis as advised by the College (with appropriate social distancing and hygiene measures in place).
There is a process for any requesting for your child be supervised at school. Please CLICK HERE to complete the form by 5pm on Monday, 14 April.
We will evaluate all responses to ensure they meet the above criteria and will confirm if we can provide supervision for your child / children.
Please note that any student approved to be on site will be supervised, but not taught or assisted by teachers. Students at school will essentially be learning through our Online Learning Program, in the same way as students working from home.
- When will the school be providing more information in relation to accessing the Online Learning Program?
We understand that parents and students are keen to get access to our learning platforms, and other important information (such as timetables, uniform requirements, attendance etc). Our schedule for the rollout is as follows:
- Secondary Years: Protocols for online learning will be emailed to parents of Secondary students on Monday, 13 April.
- Primary Years: Student timetables will be published on Class Dojo and emailed to parents by Tuesday, 14 April.
- Instructions for both students and parents in the form of both video tutorials and documented guides will emailed to parents on Tuesday, 14 April, after which they be available through a designated page on our website.
Parent Information Sessions (via Zoom) will be held on Wednesday, 15 April at the following times:
The links for these sessions will be emailed to you.
- I have heard in the news that devices / internet access will be provided to students in Victoria. Will I be eligible?
The announcement in the media in relation to the provision of devices (tablets / notebook computers) and free internet connectivity pertains to Victorian government schools only. The College has a very limited capability to support families who do not have an internet connection or a device. You may contact us (cc@alsiraat.vic.edu.au or by phone) to look at options of how your child may receive materials that do not require online access.
- Can I still pick up my child’s books and resources?
The College site will be accessible for parents next week to pick up their child’s books, resources or to access on-site IT support. This will be from 10am to 3pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- Will the College office be open during Term 2?
The office will not be open to the public during Term 2, other than at designated times to pick up your child’s resources or to pay fees. If you have a general enquiry then please use email cc@alsiraat.vic.edu.au. For urgent issues or support, please call the College office on 9407 7000.
- I still have unanswered questions
Please send any further questions or queries to cc@alsiraat.vic.edu.au. We will provide community updates in relation to common questions that you may have.
Thank you for your support during this time. All of us at Al Siraat College wish you and your child well as we begin this transition to online learning. This is definitely a situation where we will be Better Together (our theme for 2020) as we navigate through this time that is presenting us with opportunities, in addition to the challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.