We sent out the bills for Term 2 yesterday. The billing for Term 2 normally occurs in February, however, this has been delayed this year. Due to delay in Term 2 billing, we have revised the billing and due dates for the remainder of the year (table is shown below).
The impact of the COVID-19 has been far reaching. The social and economic consequences are unlike anything we have seen before. At Al Siraat, one of our biggest strengths is our community spirit. More than ever, it is important for us to work together to ease the burdens we all face.
I am aware that some parents will have lost employment or business income due to the impact of COVID-19. The College is committed to supporting parents through this time and will provide flexible financial assistance as needed. If you feel that you need assistance (even if you are on an existing Financial Agreement), please CLICK HERE to complete a financial consideration form online and a team member will make contact with you.
I strongly encourage you all to take advantage of the support packages that have been released by the Federal and State governments (links provided below). In particular, we will be able to assist you further with fees if you are able to obtain a Health Care Card.
May Allah protect us during this time and keep us steadfast in His remembrance.
Helpful Links