Many of you have questions in regards to your children’s schooling during these uncertain times. We want to assure you that we will continue to follow the advice from the Chief Health Officer as we have previously done. The questions that we can answer for you today are:
-1. Is there school for my child/children next week?
Years 10 – 12: Monday to Wednesday are student free days. Classes commence on-site on Thursday (with extra precautions around social distancing).
Years Foundation to 9: School holidays have been extended for an extra week – all of next week is student free.
-2. What will happen from Week 2 of Term 3? Will be returning to remote learning?
Years 10 – 12: We will continue with on-site learning as normal until further notice.
Years Foundation to 9: At this stage, the most likely outcome is that we will be returning to remote learning for Years Foundation to 9. However, we are waiting on updated advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer prior to making a final decision.
-3. I have to work. Can I send my child to school next week?
Yes, only on Thursday and Friday as the student free days that were planned will continue. We will be running an alternative program at school for children of essential workers: Foundation to Year 6 students only next Thursday from 8.30am until 3.30pm and Friday from 8.30am until 2.15pm. Only registered students will be accepted-registration details will be sent out on Monday.
-4. Will I be able to send my child to school if I am an essential worker?
If we do return to remote learning, your child/children will be able to attend on site if you are an essential worker.
-5. Is it safe for me to send my Year 10-12 child to school?
We have implemented many measures to minimise the spread of infection which includes extra cleaning and sanitisation, hand sanitising stations, temperature checks for all students, and extra vigilance in relation to social distancing amongst staff and students.
-6. Will the Parent Teacher Interviews still be going ahead on Wednesday 15 July?
Yes. The parent teacher interviews will proceed as planned via Zoom meetings.
We will be utilising next week to prepare for remote learning so that we are able to act on any updated advice of the Victorian Chief Officer for students from Years Foundation to 9 to learn remotely. We appreciate that this is a difficult time for everyone involved and appreciate your ongoing patience.