Al Siraat news

All news – 1841 stories

  • Amnah Khan joined Bachar Houli Girls Leadership Program

    26 April 2021

    Al Siraat is proud to announce that one of our Year 9 LEAP students, Amnah Khan had been selected for the Bachar Houli Girls Leadership Program 2021 during the term break. Amnah has kindly provided us with a short write-up about her Bachar Houli Academcy experience below: "Asalaamu Alaikum. My name is Amnah Khan, I’m in Year 9 and was a… Read more

    Amnah Khan joined Bachar Houli Girls Leadership Program
  • Islamic Storytime in Term 2

    23 April 2021

    This term, we are sharing in the joy of Ramadhan with new craft activities, nasheeds and nursery rhymes. We invite you to join Ms Serap and Ms Rihana as they explore new children’s books from our favourite author Manal Shehab. This is a great way to get together with other mums and bubs from your community. Mums with small children 0 to 4… Read more

    Islamic Storytime in Term 2
  • Interfaith Ramadhan Dinner 2021

    23 April 2021

    In the evening of Thursday, 22 April 2021, Al Siraat hosted another Interfaith Ramadhan Dinner which was a wonderful opportunity for members from several local community groups and organisations to reconnect. Respected guests from St Monica’s College attended, including coordinators Clare Turner, Denis Zucchett and Jessie as well as… Read more

    Interfaith Ramadhan Dinner 2021
  • Take Home Reading Program

    22 April 2021

    Alhamdulillah, we are launching our "Take Home Reading Program" for Foundation to Year 4 students on next Monday, 26 April 2021. Students will come home with a plastic folder which will include a copy of a book and a Student Diary & Reading log book. The program is a wonderful opportunity for students to improve their reading through… Read more

    Take Home Reading Program
  • ASCA Received Sponsors Banner

    21 April 2021

    The Al Siraat Cricket Academy ASCA has gratefully received its sponsors banner that will be displayed at all trainings and games. The banner highlights our valuable sponsors who allow our participating students to have a uniform and specialist cricket equipment to improve their cricketing ability at the Al Siraat Cricket Academy. Read more

    ASCA Received Sponsors Banner
  • Ramadan Inspirations

    21 April 2021

    One of the best parts of Ramadan for our children is decorating our homes and spaces, reflecting the joy we all feel during this special month. This week, in the spirit of Ramadan, Al Siraat students and staff have started decorating their classrooms and speaking to students about Ramadan, fasting, prayers, du'as and iftar. If have… Read more

    Ramadan Inspirations
  • Year 12 Boys Feed the Homeless 2021

    14 April 2021

    Our SRCs and Year 12 boys joined hands to feed the homeless at Queen Victoria Market during the holidays. The date marked exactly one year since the start of the 2020 lockdown. As in 2019, our students provided the service to the homeless people in collaboration with “Hasene Australia”. College Captain Humza Ghouse and Environmental… Read more

    Year 12 Boys Feed the Homeless 2021
  • Ramadan Mubarak

    13 April 2021

    Al Siraat College would like to wish all our students, parents, staff and the wider community a blessed, healthy and peaceful month of Ramadan: Four weeks of mercy, 30 days of worship, 720 hours of spirituality; 43,200 minutes of forgiveness and 2,592,000 seconds of happiness lie ahead of us. Reflecting upon how we all spent last year’s… Read more

    Ramadan Mubarak
  • Ramadan 2021 Program: Journey Through the Qur'an

    12 April 2021

    This Ramadan, Al Siraat is offering a special program every night after Tarawih prayers to which we would like to warmly invite you, inShaAllah: "Journey through the Qur'an" with Mufti Aasim Rashid as he summarizes the entire Quran, one night and one juz at a time. The program will take place daily after Tarawih prayers inside the ASC… Read more

    Ramadan 2021 Program: Journey Through the Qur'an
  • Ramadan Food Pack Fundraiser

    12 April 2021

    Al Siraat College is very excited to announce that we have partnered with Sadaqa Welfare Fund to run a pre-Ramadan Food Pack Fundraiser. This is to support our brothers and sisters across 15 different countries around the world this blessed Ramadan 1442. We encourage our community to give generously towards this fundraiser and help feed… Read more

    Ramadan Food Pack Fundraiser
  • Reminder: Australian Islamic Quiz Competition 2021

    12 April 2021

    We are proud to announce that Al Siraat is taking part in the Australian Islamic Written Quiz Competition AIQC on Tuesday, 1 June 2021. We are inviting your child to participate in this National Competition. The cost per student is $10 and is payable by Friday, 23 April, 2021. Letters/Permission Slips have been sent through the school for… Read more

    Reminder: Australian Islamic Quiz Competition 2021
  • Taraweeh Prayers at the ASC Musalla

    11 April 2021

    It is with great joy that we are now able to announce to have Taraweeh prayers back on site in our ASC Musalla this year, alhamdulillah!. Taraweeh prayers for our school community will be offered for both ladies and men, with the following COVID Safe restrictions in place: . - The Taraweeh prayers will commence directly after Isha prayer… Read more

    Taraweeh Prayers at the ASC Musalla
  • Ramadan Planner for Kids

    10 April 2021

    We would like to share this beautiful Ramadan Planner with you and your children via the related publication below. May you find it helpful for their daily routine at home during our holy month of Ramadan, inShaAllah. The Ramadan Planner will provide you with the following agenda on a day to day basis: - Hadith of the Day. - Prayer… Read more

    Ramadan Planner for Kids
  • Sports Carnival and Fun Run 2021

    9 April 2021

    Our PE Department hosted the 2021 edition of our annual Sports Carnival and Fun Run, and what beautiful blessings we received on the day: MashaAllah, the weather could not have been more perfect with a mild temperatures, sunshine and clear blue skies above after an entire week of rain. It also marked the first day in over a year that… Read more

    Sports Carnival and Fun Run 2021
  • Interfaith Youth Forum Project: "Speak Your Truth"

    1 April 2021

    We launched our second year of the Interfaith Youth Forum Project with the powerful program "Speak Your Truth", attended by ASC inferfaith and selected leadership students as well as students from Epping-based St Monica’s College. The program included special guest speaker Rana Hussain, who was recently appointed to the Collingwood FC… Read more

    Interfaith Youth Forum Project:
  • Pre-Ramadan Clean Up

    31 March 2021

    Members of our Parents and Friends Community PFC, along with some of our students, came together for a Pre-Ramadan Clean Up in the morning hours of Saturday, 27 March 2021. It was wonderful to see the community join hands to help clean up all the rubbish around the College. The working bee finished with a lovely bbq lunch on site… Read more

    Pre-Ramadan Clean Up
  • Year 3 Sleepover and Excursion

    31 March 2021

    Alhamdulillah, the evening of 29 March had finally arrived, Year 3 students of Al Siraat eagerly arrived at the gates of the College, ready to partake in the 2021 Year 3 Sleepover. The evening commenced with Year 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and HIFZ A Year 3 students coming together as one group and getting the rundown of the course of events which… Read more

    Year 3 Sleepover and Excursion
  • 1,000 Followers on Social Media

    31 March 2021

    Alhamdulillah! We are excited, humbled and grateful to have reached 1,000 followers on our official Al Siraat College Facebook page. JazakAllah khairan for your ongoing trust and support, and a warm welcome to our newcomers. To access our official ASC social media page, please click… Read more

    1,000 Followers on Social Media
  • Thank You for joining Earth Hour

    31 March 2021

    A big shout out to our wonderful and caring school community for participating in this year’s Earth Hour on Saturday, 27 March 2021 by switching off power for at least one hour. Candles and lanterns were lit and prayers and Qur'an recited by candlelight that night. Our school community joined a record-breaking 192 countries and… Read more

    Thank You for joining Earth Hour
  • ASC Community News Report (Ep. 4)

    27 March 2021

    Episode 4 of our fortnightly video Community News is out now, and we encourage you and your family to watch it at your own time and space to learn more about the latest events, projects and initiatives happening in our College community. Thank you to Nimra Rashid from Year 8G3 for being this episode’s wonderful news reader, mashaAllah… Read more

    ASC Community News Report (Ep. 4)
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