Al Siraat news

Islamic Tradition news – 176 stories

  • Closing 2 Aug: Hifz Applications for 2025

    15 July 2024

    We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from Primary students in Year 2 to join our intensive Hifz Program in 2025. The criteria to get into one of our esteemed Hifz classes is based upon the student having a successful academic record for mainstream subjects, being proficient in the reading of Quran. An… Read more

    Closing 2 Aug: Hifz Applications for 2025
  • Ilm Semester 1 Awards Ceremony 2024

    15 July 2024

    Our Ilm Department hosted the Semester 1 ILM awards ceremony on Friday, 5th July 2024. Shafiqah & Zainab Mohammad from Ilm level 2 expertly mc'ed the function in Arabic, followed by an English translation. The official program commenced with a beautiful recitation of the Quran from surah Al Hujurat by Aminah Ahmad from Ilm level 2… Read more

    Ilm Semester 1 Awards Ceremony 2024
  • Ladies Qur'an Program in Term 3

    10 July 2024

    We are pleased to announce that we are continuing our Ladies Qur'an Program in Term 3, facilitated by qualified tafseer teacher Ms Husna Torakai. This program includes 45 minutes of tafseer or Qur'an explanations, followed by a Learning to Read Qur'an session until 3:15pm. Register here. VOLUNTEERS… Read more

    Ladies Qur'an Program in Term 3
  • Masjid Salaam: Community Update

    19 June 2024

    We appreciate our community’s ongoing support and contributions as we progress towards building this much needed Masjid for our rapidly growing Muslim community here in Melbourne’s outer north. LATEST UPDATE. The original plan for Masjid Salaam was announced by Principal Mr Fazeel Arain two years ago. Unfortunately due to unprecedented… Read more

    Masjid Salaam: Community Update
  • 18 June: Eid Prayers at Al Siraat

    13 June 2024

    We invite our school and the wider community to join us for Eid Al-Adha prayers at the College on Tuesday, 18th June 2024 at 8am. Please bring your own prayer mats along and arrive with wudu done at home. There will be henna, showbags and some food stalls selling snacks available on the day after prayer for everyone to enjoy and… Read more

    18 June: Eid Prayers at Al Siraat
  • Primary Hajj Simulation 2024

    3 June 2024

    To re-enact the Story of Prophet Ibrahim AS, our Primary students took part in the Hajj simulation coordinated by the Religion Department on Monday, 3rd June 2024. Our Foundation to Year 6 students were taught about the rituals in their classes as part of their study and then got an opportunity to apply their learning into practice by… Read more

    Primary Hajj Simulation 2024
  • URDU Islamic Storytime

    2 May 2024

    We launched the first Islamic Storytime in URDU session this week, facilitated by our Foundation teacher Ms Najma and supported by Ms Hina and Ms Shahnaz. Sessions are held every Tuesday morning from 8:30am to 9:30am in room D4. The Urdu Storytime programs are a wonderful way of connecting mums with small children aged 0 to 4 years old in… Read more

    URDU Islamic Storytime
  • TONIGHT: Final ASC Ramadan Lunar Bazaar

    29 March 2024

    Our successful Ramadan Lunar Bazaar will be returning to Al Siraat for the final two market days on tonight’s Friday and tomorrow, Saturday 30 March. From sunset till midnight, indulge in diverse cuisines, shop for unique treasures, and revel in the joy of community once more. As on the previous nights, the Lunar Bazaar will be held from… Read more

    TONIGHT: Final ASC Ramadan Lunar Bazaar
  • 28 March: Bayan by Dr Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera

    26 March 2024

    We invite our school community to a very special Bayan session with visiting scholar Dr Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera at our Al Siraat Musallah this Thursday, 28th March 2024. Dr. Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera is a British Muslim scholar educated in both the Islamic and Western traditions. He memorised the Qur’an by heart… Read more

    28 March: Bayan by Dr Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera
  • Ilm: Traces of Knowledge Workshops by Sheikh Ishaq

    26 March 2024

    The presence of esteemed Sheikh Ishaq have been the most beneficial for Ilm department. Sheikh Ishaq not only taught students Ilm subjects such as Usul Fiqh, Usul Hadith, Usul Tafsir and Mantiq but also he was running multiple workshops for all Ilm students every Saturday morning. He covered many aspects of a life of a student of the… Read more

    Ilm: Traces of Knowledge Workshops by Sheikh Ishaq
  • 1 April: Qiyam Ul Layl Program

    26 March 2024

    We would like to inform our community that the Qiyam Ul Layl program will be commencing from today’s Monday, 1 April for the last ten days of Ramadan, inShaAllah. Qiyam Ul Layl means spending the night, or part of it, even if it is only one hour, in prayer, reading Quran, remembering Allah dhikr and other acts of worship. It is not… Read more

    1 April: Qiyam Ul Layl Program
  • Hifz Competition 2024

    21 March 2024

    The Al Siraat Hifz Competition was held on the 4th day of Ramadan on last week’s Friday, 15 March 2024. Mr Mubashir welcomed our esteemed guests, parents of participants, all Hifz & teachers & all Hifz & Ilm students, followed by a beautiful Quran recitation from Sheikh Ishaq and the welcome speech by College Prinicipal Mr Fazeel. Our… Read more

    Hifz Competition 2024
  • 16 March: Free Haramayn Fitness Program

    12 March 2024

    Our free Haramayn Fitness Program kicked off last Saturday. The program is tailored for members of our school community, including some staff, who will be performing Hajj to fulfil their 5th pillar of Islam. To prepare for the increased step count and to get our fitness levels up in general, our Head of PE Mr Saleh will be leading a… Read more

    16 March: Free Haramayn Fitness Program
  • Islamic Storytime – Ramadan Break & Term 2 Registration

    7 March 2024

    Alhamdulillah, we hosted our final session of Islamic Storytime for Term 1 this week. We are taking a break for Ramadan. The mums and bubs group shared in nursery rhymes, a stroy about showing gratitude with Alhadulillah and, since it’s the week before Ramadan, the craft activity for our mini Muslims was making Ramadan cards for their… Read more

    Islamic Storytime – Ramadan Break & Term 2 Registration
  • Ladies Islam Essentials Program – Orientation Day

    7 March 2024

    The Ladies Islam Essentials program by Nur Ul Ilm hosted their first Orientation session this week with over 30 sisters registered. This program is only available in Urdu this year. It is a year long program facilitated by Alimah Hareem Jaffar. For all new registrations we recommend joining the program via the zoom link as there’s… Read more

    Ladies Islam Essentials Program – Orientation Day
  • Ramadan Talk by Sheikh Waseem to Ilm Program Students

    7 March 2024

    This morning Sheikh Waseem gave a talk on the virtues of Ramadan to our esteemed Ilm Program students. He mentioned the importance of fasting for a muslim, and pointing out that what we gain from the fast is Al-Taqwa ie. fear of Allah. He encouraged students in the recitation of the Quran and completing the Khatam of the Quran. He shared… Read more

    Ramadan Talk by Sheikh Waseem to Ilm Program Students
  • ILM and Year 10 Workshop wit Dr Mahmoud Hussain

    6 March 2024

    Our ILM and Year 10 students recently attended a workshop by renowned scholar of Qur'an and hadith Dr Mahmoud Hussain, currently visiting Melbourne from Jordan on the perfection of Surah Al Fatiha. Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: "There is no Salat prayer for him who does not recite Ummul-Qur'an Surat al-Fatiha.". Our students and attending… Read more

    ILM and Year 10 Workshop wit Dr Mahmoud Hussain
  • From 5 March: Essentials of Islam Course – Ladies Only (in URDU)

    2 March 2024

    We are very excited to announce that this year Al Siraat College is partnering up with Nur Ul Ilm Academy to host a ladies-only "Essentials of Islam" course offered in Urdu language. This course is facilitated by Alimah Harem Jaffar and includes Qur'an Tafseer, Hadith, Jurisprudence, Seerah & Adab Self Development. - Days: Tuesdays &… Read more

    From 5 March: Essentials of Islam Course – Ladies Only (in URDU)
  • Islamic Storytime: Change to Mondays at 8.30am

    27 February 2024

    Islamic Storytime celebrated a wonderful session today including the salaam song, nursery rhymes, stories, games and bubbles. We had a special art and craft activity making paper lanterns ahead for Ramadan. Please note that our session day is going to change: From next week onwards, we will run Islamic Storytime on MONDAYS at 8.30am. We… Read more

    Islamic Storytime: Change to Mondays at 8.30am
  • Pathway to Hifz: Apply Now

    21 February 2024

    At Al Siraat College, we value our Hifz program Qur'an Memorisation highly. We therefore offer the "Pathway to Hifz" program to prepare our youngest Primary students for the requirements to successfully apply for our intensive Hifz program from Year 3 onwards. At present, the program is only offered for current students in Year 1 and Year… Read more

    Pathway to Hifz: Apply Now
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