Al Siraat news

All news – 1841 stories

  • International Day of Mathematics and Pi Day 2021

    25 March 2021

    UNESCO proclaimed 14 March as the International Day of Mathematics. The date is already being celebrated in many countries as Pi Day, an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie. Pi from the Greek letter “π” is the symbol used in Maths to represent a… Read more

    International Day of Mathematics and Pi Day 2021
  • ASC Student Channel: News Episode 2 of 2021

    24 March 2021

    A warm welcome back to a new episode of our Student Channel. As always, this news is being brought to you by students for students, as well as parents, staff and our wider school community. In today’s Episode 2, our students' focus is on: - Recycling News: Environmental Captain Junayd Ayoubi on SELP Student Environmental Leadership… Read more

    ASC Student Channel: News Episode 2 of 2021
  • Cultural Day Celebrations

    23 March 2021

    Students and staff from across our Primary and Secondary School joined in colourful celebrations across the College for Cultural Day on Monday, 22 March 2021. Students and staff were encouraged to wear their traditional clothes and outfits or put on something orange, making the day a stunning display of our rich and diverse multicultural… Read more

    Cultural Day Celebrations
  • "Be the Change": Young Leaders Harmony Day Forum

    23 March 2021

    Al Siraat College participated in the Young Leaders Harmony Day Forum 2021 at the Islamic Museum of Australia on Friday, 19 March 2021. The event was hosted by Board of Imams Victoria BOIV in collaboration with several young Muslim leadership organisations and included a lively panel discussion on the topic of “Be the Change”. The young… Read more

  • OSHClub: March Newsletter

    23 March 2021

    Welcome to our latest OSHClub Newsletter for March 2021. To view our Newsletter, please click the related publication below. It will give you updates on. - What’s been happening. - Special announcements. - Upcoming events. - Photo gallery and. - Recipe. A reminder that Al Siraat will be holding Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday, 1… Read more

    OSHClub: March Newsletter
  • 4 Wells Completed for Ahmad Ghunaym Khan

    19 March 2021

    Al Siraat College is feeling grateful and humbled by the immense outpour of support in donations to build water wells in the name of the late Ahmad Ghunaym Khan as Sadaqat Jariyah. May Allah have mercy on him. We would herewith like to provide you with an update on the current MAA projects and are delighted to announce that FOUR water… Read more

    4 Wells Completed for Ahmad Ghunaym Khan
  • National Ride2School Day 2021

    19 March 2021

    Well done to all parents/guardians and students who made the efforts to meet super early on a dark and misty morning for National Ride2School Day on today’s Friday, 19 March 2021. Alhamdulillah, for the first time ever, we had not two but THREE groups for the rides with the following teachers Ms Rahat, Mr Kinsella, Ms Safiye and Mr Saleh… Read more

    National Ride2School Day 2021
  • College DUX of 2020: Aishah Arain

    18 March 2021

    Al Siraat College was proud to have presented our 2020 College Dux Award to Aishah Arain in a special Senior Assembly on Thursday, 18 March. The College Dux is the most prestigious award of any school and is presented to the student that achieves the highest ATAR in that academic year. The award was presented at an assembly of Year 11 and… Read more

    College DUX of 2020: Aishah Arain
  • International Women’s Day Celebration

    18 March 2021

    Our SRC Student Representative Council members and Interfaith Ambassadors joined hands to organise a wonderful celebration for our Secondary students and staff for International Women’s Day IWD. IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for… Read more

    International Women’s Day Celebration
  • Recording Now Available: "Understanding Eating Disorders"

    18 March 2021

    We are very grateful to Christine Naismith, Board Director of EDFA Eating Disorders Families Australia for presenting our latest Parent Information Session on the highly important topic of "Understanding Eating Disorders". In her presentation, Christine talked in depth about warning signs, the importance of overcoming stigma and shame… Read more

    Recording Now Available:
  • Second-Hand Uniform Sale

    17 March 2021

    Our Parents and Friends Community PFC is going to open up a "Second-hand Uniform Shop" on site soon. Please support our school community by donating your unwanted or unused school uniform items to the PFC Shop by: - Putting the uniforms in a bag. - Mark the bag with "PFC uniform". - Drop off at the guard house or. - Send it with your… Read more

    Second-Hand Uniform Sale
  • Road Safety Concerns: Fines will be issued

    17 March 2021

    We have received the following communication from City of Whittlesea, expressing renewed and grave concerns about road safety breaches by members of our school community along Harvest Home Road: "The City of Whittlesea has received community concerns about regular unsafe school community driver behaviour in Harvest Home Road, Epping. The… Read more

    Road Safety Concerns: Fines will be issued
  • Relaunch of Islamic Storytime 2021

    17 March 2021

    Alhamdulillah, we had a wonderful relaunch of Islamic Storytime, with many little feet making their way on site to the Assembly Hall. The program began with a soft start of free play. This was followed by the structured program including our famous “Assalamu Alaikum song,” storytelling by our engaging storyteller Ms Serap, bubbles… Read more

    Relaunch of Islamic Storytime 2021
  • ASC Community News Report (Ep. 3)

    15 March 2021

    Episode 3 of our fortnightly Community News video newsletter is now available for you to watch in your own time and space. Thank you to Zainab Al Wathery from Year 9G2 for being this episode’s wonderful news reader, mashaAllah. Watch Episode 3 here now. We will be back with more community news… Read more

    ASC Community News Report (Ep. 3)
  • Our Year 5-6 SSV District Champions

    15 March 2021

    We are thrilled to announced that our Year 5/6 boys and girls teams have worked so hard in training and playing through tough conditions to become School Sport Victoria SSV Champions in the Bridge Inn South District. A big Thank You to our coaches Mr Bilal Ammouche European handball, Mr James Corbin cricket and Mr Patrick Joynt soccer and… Read more

    Our Year 5-6 SSV District Champions
  • ResourceSmartSchool Accreditation: Student Environment Leadership Program

    12 March 2021

    Al Siraat students and staff continue working on accreditation to become a ResourceSmartSchool in the future. Managed by Sustainability Victoria, the RSS program provides practical support to reduce resource use and make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond our school gate. Recently, two of… Read more

    ResourceSmartSchool Accreditation: Student Environment Leadership Program
  • Year 8 Cricket School Sports Victoria (SSV)

    12 March 2021

    Our Year 8 boys participated in the Moreland division schools cricket competition and winning all three games. They will progress to the regional finals. The most pleasing aspect of the competition was;. - The excellent behaviour of the boys and sportsmanship that was displayed by all. - The improvement of the boys who played last year… Read more

    Year 8 Cricket School Sports Victoria (SSV)
  • Al Siraat COVID Stories Collection

    12 March 2021

    In preserving the stories and experiences of our community, Al Siraat is producing a book of COVID-19 stories. We would really like to hear your stories – what COVID-19 meant to you; how it impacted you and your family; how it impacted your study or work; were there any positive outcomes. Please complete this form to have your stories… Read more

    Al Siraat COVID Stories Collection
  • VCE Parent Information Webinar

    12 March 2021

    Al Siraat hosted a VCE information night webinar for our Secondary School parents in the evening of Wednesday, 3 March 2021. The recording of the webinar is now available on our ASC YouTube channel for anyone who might have missed the live session or would like to rewatch in their own time. Watch the VCE information webinar here… Read more

    VCE Parent Information Webinar
  • Sisters Walking Group has recommenced

    11 March 2021

    Come and join our weekly walking group every Thursday morning weather permitting at 8.20am. Meet at the gate at 8.20am on Thursday mornings, ready to walk in your comfortable walking shoes. You are more than welcome to bring your little ones with prams, scooters or bikes. There is a walking pace for everyone. Read more

    Sisters Walking Group has recommenced
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