Al Siraat news

College news – 559 stories

  • Winners of AMUST Photo competition

    1 October 2015

    Congratulations to Ms Tanya and Sr. Nasrin, one of our dedicated parents, for winning First and Second Place in this year’s Eid Photo Competition from Sydney-based newspaper Australasian Muslim Times AMUST. To view the winning photos, please click on. Read more

    Winners of AMUST Photo competition
  • Eid Al-Adha Food Drive a Wonderful Success

    18 September 2015

    Our Junior Students Representatives SRCs have been very busy over the course of the past three days, sorting through all the donations we have received so far. As the photos show beautifully, our Mercy Wings Eid Food Drive has been a major success. The Junior SRCs have been organising the food donations into parcels and boxes ready to be… Read more

    Eid Al-Adha Food Drive a Wonderful Success
  • Today’s Bake Sale a Huge Success

    16 September 2015

    We are pleased to announce that our SRCs BAKE SALE raised almost $1,114.00 in total. This money will go to the Burmese flood victims. It is the second big project that our dedicated student leaders have accomplished in flying colours. A big thanks to all the teachers who came to support us. You have contributed to a noble cause. May the… Read more

    Today’s Bake Sale a Huge Success
  • Book Fair "Under the Sea" has officially opened

    2 September 2015

    We are proud to announce that our 2015 Book Fair themed "Under the Sea" has officially opened earlier today. Students, staff and parents already swarmed into the Junior School Staff Room where the book fair is located this year. While students will be visiting the Book Fair at allocated times with their classes, parents are welcome to… Read more

    Book Fair
  • Update: Le Tour D'Al Siraat (Staff Cycling)

    26 August 2015

    Asalaamu Alaikum. As you may be aware, College staff members from the Teaching, Administration and Maintenance departments commenced on a virtual cycling trip around Australia. All km ridden by members of the Cycling Team are added up on a weekly basis. We are positive to cycle around the whole of Australia in a joined effort by the end… Read more

    Update: Le Tour D'Al Siraat (Staff Cycling)
  • Scholastic Book Fair 2015

    26 August 2015

    Wednesday, 2nd September to Monday, 7th September 2015. The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our College alongside with Literacy and Numeracy Week this year! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event. The theme for this year is Under The Sea. We would like to invite your entire… Read more

    Scholastic Book Fair 2015
  • National Consistent Collection of Data on school students with Disability

    25 August 2015

    Dear parents/guardians, Subject: NCCDSSD- National Consistent Collection of Data on school students with Disability 2015. This year, all Australian schools are required to take part in a new national data collection on students with disabilities. Every school, independent, government and catholic, will use the same method of collection… Read more

    National Consistent Collection of Data on school students with Disability
  • Parents and Friends Forum (PFF) officially launched

    20 August 2015

    The Al Siraat Parents Friends Forum PFF Committee was officially launched on Thursday, 20th August 2015. Mrs Sarah Wills is appointed as the Convener of the PFF, leading a team of active parents who are involved in a wide range of programs and services that explore parental engagement at Al Siraat College. We greatly value their support… Read more

    Parents and Friends Forum (PFF) officially launched
  • Out of Uniform Day

    23 July 2015

    Our students enjoyed the "Out of Uniform Day" on Thursday, 23rd July 2015 as part of an Eid celebration at the College. Each student was also treated to a mouth watering piece of delicious Eid cake. It was wonderful to see most students arriving to their classes in their beautiful Eid outfits and thus contributing to our "Barn to Mosque… Read more

    Out of Uniform Day
  • Cycling Team Al Siraat riding the Ride Around the Bay

    21 July 2015

    Team Al Siraat will participate for the first time in this year’s "Ride Around the Bay" which aims to help kids in need to succeed at school – a cause dear to all staff at the College. Thus, a total of 14 staff members from across the teaching, Well-being, administration and maintenance departments have signed up to each tackle the 50 km… Read more

    Cycling Team Al Siraat riding the Ride Around the Bay
  • Al Siraat College in the News: Interfaith Program

    14 July 2015

    The following article has been published today in the "Northern Star Weekly": A teacher in Epping is doing his bit for world peace. St Monica’s College’s social justice co-ordinator Fadi Elbarbar wants his students to understand and appreciate every religion, so he’s taken his teaching beyond the classroom. Earlier this month, a group of… Read more

    Al Siraat College in the News: Interfaith Program
  • Message of Gratitude received from the Heart Foundation

    14 July 2015

    We are honoured to have received the following message of gratitude from the Heart Foundation for our participation in this year’s "Jump for Heart" program: . "We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO AL SIRAAT COLLEGE for supporting the Heart Foundation this year. So far this year, collectively the Jump Rope for Heart program has… Read more

    Message of Gratitude received from the Heart Foundation
  • New Website Launched

    10 July 2015

    New Website Launched Today . Al Siraat College is delighted to announce the release of our new website. Some of the new features include: Current news articles. Current calendar of events . Junior and Senior School curriculum information . Photo Galleries . Access to publications Read more

    New Website Launched
  • Dates Fundraiser: Defibrillators Purchased and Received

    5 July 2015

    We are honoured and proud to announce that our Dates Fundraiser was very success and would like to thank everyone who has so wholeheartedly donated by purchasing the 5 kg boxes of Tunisian dates. We sold a total of 190 boxes to parents and the wider school community. A very generous sister contributed the remaining balance so we could go… Read more

    Dates Fundraiser: Defibrillators Purchased and Received
  • Message of Gratitude Received from the Halal Food Bank

    4 July 2015

    We are humbled by the attached heartfelt message of gratitude which we have received from the Halal Food Bank via social media for our food item donations. May they help to feed the poor and needy within our community, inshaAllah. Read more

    Message of Gratitude Received from the Halal Food Bank
  • Blanket and Food Drives a Huge Success

    3 July 2015

    SubhanAllah, the blessed month of Ramadan has seen many members of our community bringing in their more than generous donations for the Halal Food Bank as well as the Ansaar Project to support the poor and needy in Melbourne. The CoverMe Project aims to collect sleeping bags and blankets from the Muslim Community and redistribute them to… Read more

    Blanket and Food Drives a Huge Success
  • Cover me – Annual Sleeping Bags and Blanket Drive

    22 June 2015

    The CoverMe 2015 blanket drive is A Seekers Works Initiative which was initiated in Sydney in 2003 and has since spread nationally as well as New Zealand and Canada. Al Siraat College has been participating in this annual drive since last year and contributed with over 25 blankets to this worthy cause. Let us all join hands together to… Read more

    Cover me – Annual Sleeping Bags and Blanket Drive
  • Ms Shafni’s Farewell

    12 June 2015

    Students and staff said their farewells to Ms Shafni with many teary eyes today. Ms Shafni who has been teaching our Year 6 girls this year is moving to Werribee and will be greatly missed. We thank her for her wonderful work in teaching our students over the past three years!!! Read more

    Ms Shafni’s Farewell
  • Students Participated in Jump Rope for Heart

    10 June 2015

    On Tuesday, 9 June, our Junior and Senior students raised awareness and funds for children and adults that may suffer from heart disease. Our students have been training for weeks in preparation for the "Jump Rope for Heart" charity event which is aimed at raising both awareness as well as much needed funds for gravely ill people in need… Read more

    Students Participated in Jump Rope for Heart
  • Tunisian Dates Fundraiser

    9 June 2015

    In preparation for Ramadan, Al Siraat College is organising a Date Drive this year. We will be selling 5 kg boxes of Tunisian Dates. All profits from the dates will be used to purchase a defibrillator for the school and community at a cost of $2619.00. Cost of 5kg Box of Dates: $38.00. Order as many boxes as you like. Why not buy for… Read more

    Tunisian Dates Fundraiser
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