Al Siraat news

All news – 1841 stories

  • Outdoor Education Program: Canoeing

    8 September 2015

    Strong current calls for even stronger determination. In August, our Year 9/10 boys and girls Outdoor Ed classes tackled the Yarra currents, in what was a very challenging yet enjoyable experience. Sometimes a simple paddle down a gentle river can sound like an easy yet pleasant task, however our young Outdoor Education students were in… Read more

    Outdoor Education Program: Canoeing
  • Secondary Athletics Carnival

    7 September 2015

    2015 marked the very first year of the Secondary School Athletics Carnival. Students from Years 7 to 11 participated in track and field events at the Meadow Glen International Athletics Stadium. With clouds covering the sky and the expected chance of rain, this did not dampen the excitement, enthusiasm and high level of participation of… Read more

    Secondary Athletics Carnival
  • Year 3 students visiting Sovereign Hill

    4 September 2015

    Our Year 3 students embarked on the long bus ride to Ballarat’s "Sovereign Hill" on 2nd September 2015, and swapped their comfortable new class room in the Junior School Building for dusty roads, filled with horse carriages and the hard wooden benches of a yesterday’s world Old School room. Upon their arrival at Sovereign Hill, our… Read more

    Year 3 students visiting Sovereign Hill
  • Writers Incursion with author Archimede Fusillo

    4 September 2015

    On Friday, 4th September 2015, the English Department at Al Siraat College held a writer’s incursion as part of and to celebrate Literacy Week. Students from Years 7 to 10 attended the incursion where they had the opportunity to meet Archimede Fusillo who is an accomplished writer and a successful presenter. He is the author of a number… Read more

    Writers Incursion with author Archimede Fusillo
  • SRCs supporting Mercy Wings in their annual Food Drive

    3 September 2015

    Mercy Wings EID-AL ADHA Food Drive 2015. An initiative by Al Siraat’s Student Representatives Council SRC. There are many Muslims refugee families living in Australia who do not have enough food to eat. Children go to school without breakfast, families struggle to put enough on the table to go around, and people sleeping rough cannot… Read more

    SRCs supporting Mercy Wings in their annual Food Drive
  • SRC Initiative: "One Can We Can Project"

    2 September 2015

    SRC members came together earlier this term to roll out a worthwhile project under the title " One Can We Can Project". This initiative enabled the whole school community to come together to donate one can of any food item that could go towards the Halal Food Bank for the Ansaar Project. An overwhelming response came for this project and… Read more

    SRC Initiative:
  • Numeracy and Literacy Week: Special Primary Assembly

    2 September 2015

    Our Junior School students celebrated LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK today in a Special Primary Assembly. As a surprise for our students, members of the Junior school team dressed up as famous Dr Zeuss book characters which caused much laughter and fun during this morning’s assembly. We had appearances of Ms Cheryl and Ms Amina as "Thing One… Read more

    Numeracy and Literacy Week: Special Primary Assembly
  • Parent Education Seminar (PES): Thinking Maths Workshop

    2 September 2015

    Our latest Parent Education PES Workshop with the theme "Thinking Maths" attracted many parents with children in Year levels 3 to 6 to attend today’s session. We are hopeful that it helped provide you with some extra support to strengthen your child’s learning in Maths. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to come along and a special… Read more

    Parent Education Seminar (PES): Thinking Maths Workshop
  • Book Fair "Under the Sea" has officially opened

    2 September 2015

    We are proud to announce that our 2015 Book Fair themed "Under the Sea" has officially opened earlier today. Students, staff and parents already swarmed into the Junior School Staff Room where the book fair is located this year. While students will be visiting the Book Fair at allocated times with their classes, parents are welcome to… Read more

    Book Fair
  • Numeracy and Literacy Week: Dressing Up Day

    31 August 2015

    Students in our Junior School have started celebrating the LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK with an optional Out of Uniform / Dressing Up Day today. It was lovely to see so many children participating and enjoying the start of our Literacy and Numeracy Week today. Students had the options to come to school in YELLOW Literacy or GREEN Numeracy… Read more

    Numeracy and Literacy Week: Dressing Up Day
  • Numeracy and Literacy Week: Special Secondary Assembly

    31 August 2015

    Secondary Students celebrated the start of LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK today in their Special Secondary Assembly. As a surprise for our students, some Secondary teachers and students chose to dress up as famous book and movie characters which caused much laughter and fun during this morning’s assembly. We had appearances of The Mad Hatter… Read more

    Numeracy and Literacy Week: Special Secondary Assembly
  • Bachar Houli Cup Finals 2015

    31 August 2015

    On the 26th August, our Year 7 and 8 Senior boys participated in the Bachar Houli Cup Finals. The students were in for a challenge in playing against 8 other Islamic schools within Victoria. The boys played amazing matches, winning a game and loosing some only by a couple of goals. Four boys from Team Al Siraat were selected for other… Read more

    Bachar Houli Cup Finals 2015
  • Islamic Quiz – Grand Final Junior School

    28 August 2015

    On Thursday, 27th August 2015, the successful Islamic Quiz Grand Final was held in the Junior School Assembly Area. Parents, teachers and students attended this informative and interesting event. Team Abu Bakr emerged as winners over Team Talha by a score of 61 to 50. Earlier in the night, Team Talha defeated Team Omar with a score of 70… Read more

    Islamic Quiz – Grand Final Junior School
  • Science Week 2015

    28 August 2015

    Science week has made its mark this year at Al Siraat! . The week began with an impressive ‘Scigh Tea’ Science High Tea hosted by the Science Department for our lovely College staff members. Teachers prepared fancy fruit molecules, DNA licorice, glucose cupcakes, petri dish cookies, mitosis snaps, lemon slice elements, meringue mice… Read more

    Science Week 2015
  • Foundation Excursion: Thomastown Fire Station

    27 August 2015

    Our Year Foundation students were very excited to visit the Thomastown Fire Station today. At the fire station, there were three large fire engines and we were able to look inside each one of them to see all the different items hidden away safely. We watched as the huge ladder on top of the fire engine rose high into the sky and poured… Read more

    Foundation Excursion: Thomastown Fire Station
  • Parent Education Seminar (PES): Maths Workshop

    27 August 2015

    Save the Date for our next Parent Education Seminar PES: - Theme: Thinking Maths Workshop for Parents of Year 3 to 6 Students. - Day / Date : Wednesday, 2nd September 2015. - Time : 8.45 am – 10:15 am. - Venue : Assembly Hall. This is the opportunity for you to join us in exploring maths strategies and providing extra… Read more

    Parent Education Seminar (PES): Maths Workshop
  • Year 4 and HifzA Excursion to the "Polly Woodside" and Cook’s Cottage

    27 August 2015

    On Wednesday, 26th August 2015, our Year 4 and HifzA students from Years 3 and 4 Hifz embarked on a journey back in time when they first visited the replica of a historic tall ship, the "Polly Woodside" and Captain Cook’s Cottage afterwards. On board the "Polly Woodside", the students learnt about life on board an early 20th century… Read more

    Year 4 and HifzA Excursion to the
  • Update: Le Tour D'Al Siraat (Staff Cycling)

    26 August 2015

    Asalaamu Alaikum. As you may be aware, College staff members from the Teaching, Administration and Maintenance departments commenced on a virtual cycling trip around Australia. All km ridden by members of the Cycling Team are added up on a weekly basis. We are positive to cycle around the whole of Australia in a joined effort by the end… Read more

    Update: Le Tour D'Al Siraat (Staff Cycling)
  • Literacy and Numeracy Week

    26 August 2015

    This week marks the start of National Literacy and Numeracy Week, which aims to celebrate learning and raise awareness of the importance of reading, writing and mathematics skills. At Al Siraat, we will be celebrating the LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK from Monday, 31st August to Friday, 4th September next week. We are organising a number of… Read more

    Literacy and Numeracy Week
  • Scholastic Book Fair 2015

    26 August 2015

    Wednesday, 2nd September to Monday, 7th September 2015. The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our College alongside with Literacy and Numeracy Week this year! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event. The theme for this year is Under The Sea. We would like to invite your entire… Read more

    Scholastic Book Fair 2015
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