30 March 2017
Our Junior School students were engaged in a variety of activities for “I RESPECT U” week. The main goal of the "I respect You" week was to create awareness about the impact of bullying as well as always being respectful when dealing with such concerns. The photo shows our all female Year 5A students after attending a talk by an external… Read more
21 March 2017
While the skies were dark and gloomy, students, staff and parents were greeted by a sea of bright orange in side the Junior School this morning. It was wonderful to see so many students and staff followed the call to come out of uniform and dress in orange today to celebrate and honour Harmony Day. Students attended a special Assembly… Read more
21 March 2017
Foundation B and Grade 4B students were involved in a Harmony Day activity. Students conducted a science activity involving milk, different coloured food dye and detergent. Firstly, students were required to put milk in their plate. They then put 1 drop of each coloured food dye blue, red, yellow, green. The food dyes were symbolic of… Read more
7 March 2017
Al Siraat hosted a Parent Education Seminar PES for parents with children in Years Foundation to 2 on Wednesday, 1 March 2017. It was pleasing to witness an amazing turnout of parents enthusiastic to learn the same literacy strategies that are taught in our classrooms. The workshop involved explicit teaching of the Thrass concepts and… Read more
2 March 2017
We would like to share the following with our parent and wider community to acknowledge the positive attitude and input to our school environment by volunteering to keep our College grounds clean: Aisyah Albakri and Layali Shawqy from Year 3B were both seem picking up papers voluntarily at recess and lunch yesterday. When I approached… Read more
12 December 2016
The achievements and efforts of our Junior School students were acknowledged in two special assemblies for the end of the year. Students from Years Foundation to 2 attended their Special Assembly last week’s Thursday, 8th December whereas students from Years 3 to 6 celebrated the end of the year on the last day of Term 4 on Friday, 9th… Read more
5 December 2016
Phase 2: Prevent, Rehabilitate and Protect!. The Phase 2 visit is usually held 3 – 8 weeks after the first visit. We had the school dental team visiting our Year 3 and Year 4 students last week and were able to prevent problems arising from the student’s teeth, by applying Fissure Sealants to some of their molars. If the student did have… Read more
18 October 2016
Foundation students participated in an oral language experience. They made their own beach by colouring the sand blue, using paint. They then added shells and an umbrella with a teddy resting under it. Students then wrote about their experience. To view photos of this activity, please CLICK… Read more
9 September 2016
We would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Term 3 has been a very busy term for both students and teachers in the Junior School with the upcoming Inquiry Learning Exhibition. We are now looking forward to celebrate our students’ learning and would like you to save the date to join us. JUNIOR SCHOOL… Read more
2 September 2016
Sporting Schools program takes our Primary gymnastics to greater heights. Al Siraat Primary students participated in a gymnastics program funded by the Government Sporting Schools Grant. The tuck sit, straddle, star shape and motorbike landing all have one thing in common, they all belong to key shapes in gymnastics. Over 190 students… Read more
30 August 2016
Our Junior School students have been celebrating Numeracy and Literacy Week with various fun activities in their classrooms last week. Some of the many activities included a pyjama dress-up day for our Foundation to Year 2 students, with most students coming to their classes in their colourful pj’s. Students were delighted to find out… Read more
26 August 2016
Foundation students attended Thomastown Fire Station on Thursday, 25th August 2016. While there, students got to sit inside a fire truck and have a close look at the fire equipment used to fight fires and to help people. Students saw a presentation where the 'Jaws of Life' was used on a simulated car crash to cut the roof off and save a… Read more
24 August 2016
‘Stand Up and Stand out’: Anti-Bully Week competition winners announced!. The wait is finally over as the Anti Bully Week competition winners were announced on Tuesday, 23rd of August, in the morning assembly. We had a great response from our students who submitted entries of very high quality and standard. It certainly was a tough job… Read more
24 August 2016
On Tuesday the 23rd August the Year 3 students went on a wonderful excursion cruising along the Yarra River. They saw many things like the dock yards, the MCG, the city buildings and the spire at the Melbourne Art Centre. As they were so well behaved the captain chose 3 students to have a turn at driving the boat. The weather was… Read more
4 August 2016
Al Siraat College is pleased to inform that we are providing "Oral health Program” for Foundation to Year 2 students in collaboration with the School Dental Group this semester. This group makes the dental visits more convenient for parents by seeing the students during school hours. This oral health awareness program will not only… Read more
3 August 2016
All Junior School students from Foundation to Year 6 participated in a St. John first aid training session last Tuesday, 2nd August 2016. Students developed age appropriate first aid skills including, what to do for cuts, burns and blood noses, how to identify an unconscious person, identify danger, how to put someone into the recovery… Read more
2 August 2016
The Anti Bully Week entries are currently getting judged, with winners due to be announced soon!. Our judges surely have a tough job at hand with entries of very high standard being received. The competition has enabled us recognise some hidden talents in our students and we are pleased to be able to recognise them. To view sample entries… Read more
23 June 2016
As part of our ‘Welcoming Ramadan Programme’, and also in conjunction with our Unit of Inquiry on ‘Civics and Citizenship’, our Year 4 and Hifz A students were treated to a delicious and scrumptious Iftar at the College last night. Students were encouraged to come to school in their cultural attire on the day of the Iftar in celebration… Read more
22 June 2016
Students were learning about the focus word of the week. This week, we were focusing on the word “hand” and what better way to understand the new word than by a hands-on fun activity in class: Our Foundation students were using their hands to eat breakfast this morning. They all greatly enjoyed a variety of healthy cereals and eating… Read more
20 June 2016
Our Year Foundation students enjoyed a very special Incursion this term which saw them getting actively involved in hands-on "Fizzics" experiments. While most experiments could be performed by the students themselves, some required them to be moved outside. As can be seen in the photos, the students were watching colour changes in the… Read more