Religious Education Quran & Hifz
At Al Siraat College, we have a major focus on the Qur'an, aiming for all our students to read it beautifully and fluently, with the correct Tajweed and Makhaarij. Our dedicated programs and experienced staff ensure that each student’s journey in Qur'anic studies is both enriching and supportive, fostering a deep connection with the Quran.
We aim for the Quran to be a part of our daily lives and not a book which is occasionally picked up to be read or just a beautiful decoration piece. It needs to be in our hearts such that we cannot do without it. “Without a doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Surah Ar-Ra’d: 28)
Our intensive Hifz students are also on their way to becoming “protectors” of the Quran, inShaAllah.
Hifz is a very demanding subject which requires a lot of effort from the students and their parents. We ask Allah to make it easy for them, inShaAllah.
Alhamdulillah, we have a great team of teachers at the College. Together with parent support, we believe we can achieve our goals, inShaAllah.