Support the College – Respond to Council

8 February 2016
Support the College – Respond to Council

As part to the College’s future growth and planning, we have lodged a request with the Council of Whittlesea to amend the "Harvest Home Road Development Plan". Please refer to the related publication below.

The success of this amendment is very important for the College’s future development. Part of the College’s submission includes the following:

  • Provides a masjid (place of worship) for our community

  • Enabling community cohesion

  • Providing amenity for the community

  • Local employment opportunities

  • Providing an educational facility within the community reducing requirements for travel for educational purposes.

  • Vitality to the area with many people moving in to the Epping North growth area

  • Engaging with youth to steer them in the right direction.

  • Preserving local native through careful placement of buildings.

  • Retaining site heritage characteristics and adaptive re-use of significant heritage buildings.

We are seeking the support of school families regarding this application. If any families would like to write to the council in favour of the plan, it would be greatly appreciated! Please note that only residents living within the City of Whittlesea can respond.

Please direct your written submissions to:

George Saisanas

Manager Strategic Planning & Design

Whittlesea City Council

Locked Bag 1


The closing date for submissions is Friday, 26th February 2016.

If you require further information, please contact Principal Mr Houghton.

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