Al Siraat joins Great Cycle Challenge

11 October 2021
Al Siraat joins Great Cycle Challenge

This October, Team Al Siraat is taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! We are riding and raising funds to support the Children’s Medical Research Institute to continue their ground breaking work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment for childhood cancer.

Do you know that cancer is still the largest killer of children from disease in Australia? Every year, over 600 children are diagnosed with cancer and sadly, 3 children die from cancer every week.

Donating is easy: Click on the link below and select the rider you'd like to sponsor:


Team Captain Ms Tanja, riding in her 9th year, is featured in the local Star Weekly newspaper. Read the article here.

May Allah reward you. Together, we can save little lives.

  • Tanja Kubitza Content & Relations Lead Environmental Ambassador Email Tanja Tanja Kubitza