Al Siraat news

All news – 1847 stories

  • Year 2 Excursion: Polly Woodside – Historic Ship

    24 May 2017

    Our Junior School students from Year 2 embarked on a journey back in time when they visited the replica of a historic tall ship, the "Polly Woodside". On board the ship, the students learnt about life on board an early 20th century vessel, could inspect the ship mates' rather tiny sleeping cabin, try their hands on some of the ship’s coal… Read more

    Year 2 Excursion: Polly Woodside – Historic Ship
  • Carlton Footy Player Visits Al Siraat

    24 May 2017

    At the start of the new Footy season, the College welcomed Carlton player Sam Kerridge to speak to our Junior School students. Sam, aged 24, is a professional Australian rules football player who plays for the Carlton Football Club in the Australian Football League AFL. He was recruited with pick 27 in the 2011 National Draft. Click here… Read more

    Carlton Footy Player Visits Al Siraat
  • Congratulations to Zain Wilson

    24 May 2017

    Congratulations and Mabrook to Junior School student Zain Wilson from Year 6 Hifz for winning a Taekwondo GOLD MEDAL at this year’s Gold Coast Open. Zain spent the weekend of 6th to 7th May in Queensland to successfully compete in the 12 to 14 years age group at the 8th Mooto Gold Coast Open. What an outstanding achievement, mashaAllah! Read more

    Congratulations to Zain Wilson
  • National Walk to School Day 2017

    23 May 2017

    Last Friday, 19 May 2017, marked National Walk to School Day, and Al Siraat is proudly promoting the slogan that an active kid is a healthy kid, by once again taking part in this great initiative. A group of students, parents, siblings and teachers arrived at the meeting spot in Epping as early as 7:30am. All participants of the walk… Read more

    National Walk to School Day 2017
  • Junior School: Ramadan Assembly

    23 May 2017

    Our Junior students from Years 3 to 6 had a special assembly this week to welcome the month of Ramadan 2017. Our Year 6 boys beautifully recited the ayahs from the Quran highlighting the importance of fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan. Guest Speaker, Ustadh Abdullah Mawar shared some excellent tips to prepare and get the best out of… Read more

    Junior School: Ramadan Assembly
  • Al Siraat vs. Darul Ulum: Friendly Soccer Match

    23 May 2017

    Al Siraat hosted their very first Exhibition outdoor soccer match against Darul Ulum on 22 May 2017. The Senior boys have been looking forward to play against another school to put their practice into action, and where else would they rather play than on our brand new soccer field right here on our College grounds. The atmosphere was… Read more

    Al Siraat vs. Darul Ulum: Friendly Soccer Match
  • VET Sport and Recreation: Food Cultural Experience

    23 May 2017

    A Piece of Cake!. In this very vibrant and delicious program, Students were required to work collaboratively in small groups to deliver a cultural food experience encapsulating a particular country. Students were encouraged to seek optimal group performance as an objective, contributing to the group by allocating tasks and working… Read more

    VET Sport and Recreation: Food Cultural Experience
  • Hifz Students: Friendly Soccer Match Vs. Darul Ulum

    22 May 2017

    Our Hifz students have been working very hard in their studies and have been very active for both recess and lunchtime practising their soccer skills and match tactics. Students were able to highlight 4 key components during their friendly match against Darul Ulum: - Team work. - Fair play. - Encouragement and . - Strategic thinking. All… Read more

    Hifz Students: Friendly Soccer Match Vs. Darul Ulum
  • Year 7 Students Visit the Melbourne Aquarium

    19 May 2017

    Our Senior girls and boys from Year 7 attended an excursion visit to the Melbourne Aquarium this week. The students are currently studying about classification in their Science Unit. They had an opportunity to not only study life under the sea but also touch and examine marine samples and of course, view the amazing under water and… Read more

    Year 7 Students Visit the Melbourne Aquarium
  • SSV: Cross Country – Whittlesea Division

    18 May 2017

    On 16 May, Al Siraat College assembled their first ever Cross Country team and Alhamdulilah, what a great day it was. 18 Junior School students from Year 5 and 6 were given the privilege of representing the College in a 3 kilometers race around Bundoora Park. Each race contained over a hundred students, but Alhamdulilah, our student… Read more

    SSV: Cross Country – Whittlesea Division
  • Years 7 to 10: Soccer Match against EPIC

    17 May 2017

    Our Senior students from Year 7 to 10 participated in a friendly soccer match against East Preston Islamic College EPIC. Both our Senior boys and girls were able to put their practice in to action and enjoy a skillful match of soccer. Students learned about tactics, formation structure and building a successful team, followed by fair play… Read more

    Years 7 to 10: Soccer Match against EPIC
  • Foundation Students Learning About the Word "Frog"

    16 May 2017

    The Foundation students participated in a jelly making language experience based on our Focus Word of the Week which is "Frog". Students explored the ingredients used to make jelly and placed a chocolate frog in the jelly pond. Students really enjoyed eating the jelly and the chocolate frog with their peers. Read more

    Foundation Students Learning About the Word
  • Fun Run 2017: Our Top 3 Fundraisers

    15 May 2017

    We would like to acknowledge the outstanding fundraising efforts of our student and community who contributed to the amazing amount of $3,674.04 raised for this year’s School Fun Run. Our Top 3 student fundraisers were: - Top 1: Sufyan Mina Year 1D. - Top 2: Yusuf Mohammed Emin Year 5B. - Top 3: Yunus Mohamed Emin Year 1B. Our young… Read more

    Fun Run 2017: Our Top 3 Fundraisers
  • Introducing our School Captains

    12 May 2017

    Our School Captains for 2017 have been chosen: - School Captain: Mariam Afiouni Year 12A. - Vice Captain: Sumaya Mahad Ali Year 12A. They were inaugurated at our assembly on 1 May 2017. The Captains have an important role to fulfil at the College as they head our student leadership team. Both Mariam and Sumaya are very capable students… Read more

    Introducing our School Captains
  • Junior and Senior SRC Induction

    12 May 2017

    The College is taking pride in providing our student leaders opportunities to enhance their skills and flourish as exemplary representatives of Al Siraat. Yesterday afternoon marked the official induction for both our Junior and Senior Student Representative Council SRC members. Our student leaders were welcomed and addressed by Ms… Read more

    Junior and Senior SRC Induction
  • Year 7 English: Book Cover Design

    11 May 2017

    In first two weeks of Term 2, Year 7 Secondary students were engaged in book design activities for the set text ‘Trash’ by Andy Mulligan. Students made some interesting choices when redesigning the cover page. Some experimented with different materials and took a unique creative approach. The activity allowed students to examine ‘How a… Read more

    Year 7 English: Book Cover Design
  • Junior School SRCs Appointed

    8 May 2017

    A special ceremony during our fortnightly Junior School Assembly was organised this morning to congratulate our newly appointed Student Representative Council SRC members. The 2017 student leaders were presented with their SRC batches. The School Representative Council SRC enables students to be ambassadors of their school to the wider… Read more

    Junior School SRCs Appointed
  • Year 6 Stolen Generation Incursion – Kutcha

    5 May 2017

    Our Year 6 students are currently learning about Australian History since 1901, including the Stolen Generations. Kutcha who is a successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, came and shared his own personal 'Stolen Generation' story and history with the students. He shared the impact that this had on his family and how he has… Read more

    Year 6 Stolen Generation Incursion – Kutcha
  • Primary School Challenge Cup AFL – FINALS Reached

    4 May 2017

    Congratulations to our dedicated footie players from Year 5B and 6B. The boys won all of their games of the knockout competiton round robin this week and have now proceeded to the Finals of this year’s Primary School Challenge Cup AFL. To view photos of the games, please CLICK… Read more

    Primary School Challenge Cup AFL – FINALS Reached
  • 2017 Senior SRCs Appointed

    4 May 2017

    A special ceremony during our fortnightly Secondary assembly was organised to congratulate our newly appointed Secondary School SRC members, School Vice Captain and School Captain. The College congratulates the newly elected student leaders and wishes them all the best to take this responsibility for benefitting our community!. The School… Read more

    2017 Senior SRCs Appointed
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