Al Siraat news

All news – 1847 stories

  • Pakistan Back to School: Container To Arrival This Week

    5 June 2019

    During Term One and Term Two, our SRCs have been busy with collecting and packing Eid ul Fitr school gift bags for underprivileged children living in Pakistan. We have been able to put together 1000 ‘starter packs’, which included basics such as bags, books, stationery, a lunch box, drink bottle, towel, tooth brush and toothpaste… Read more

    Pakistan Back to School: Container To Arrival This Week
  • Year 7 Excursion to the Melbourne Aquarium

    3 June 2019

    Recently, our Year 7 girls and boys visited the Melbourne Aquarium as part of their Science Classification Unit. They learned how and why classification is an important skill set for scientists. They considered the physical and behavioural features of animals on displayed, then drawn upon similarities and differences that existed to… Read more

    Year 7 Excursion to the Melbourne Aquarium
  • AFL at Al Siraat: Round 5

    3 June 2019

    Last Friday saw our boys take on the top team in the SSV AFL program – Marymede. The conditions were almost identical to the week before but it did not stop our boys from giving it their all. Their dedication and effort despite the many barriers is commendable. We are still in search of our first winning result and will continue that… Read more

    AFL at Al Siraat: Round 5
  • Mud on Road and Illegal Parking

    31 May 2019

    The College has received the following notification from Whittlesea Council: "We have had a report of mud on Harvest Home Road allegedly as a result of school parents parking on wet nature strips. Can you please advise parents that this is illegal and has the potential to create hazardous conditions for drivers and pedestrians school… Read more

    Mud on Road and Illegal Parking
  • ASC Annual Sisters Iftar

    29 May 2019

    Al Siraat and the ladies from our Parents and Friends Forum PFF held their annual sisters iftar on Friday, 24 May 2019. This year, we held the iftar at the Galada Community Centre in Epping. It was a lovely space to break our space with our beautiful sisters. Thank you to all the sisters who came along to break their fast with us. We had… Read more

    ASC Annual Sisters Iftar
  • AFL at Al Siraat: Round 4

    29 May 2019

    Another game done and dusted this week against Epping Views Primary School and what an experience it was. The cold, wet, windy, and muddy conditions only added to the test against the third-placed side and we are extremely proud of the resilience displayed by our boys. There was no victory to report this time round but we are very happy… Read more

    AFL at Al Siraat: Round 4
  • Pakistan: Back to School Campaign Media Featurette

    27 May 2019

    Our successful "Pakistan: Back to School Campaign" has been featured in an article called "School Bags of Hope", published by Community Connections who report on the great community work of Independent school students and staff. Please read the article below: Students from Al Siraat College in Epping have again rallied behind a cause to… Read more

    Pakistan: Back to School Campaign Media Featurette
  • National Walk2School Day 2019

    21 May 2019

    It was a beautiful morning for national Walk2School Day, we had some really keen students that woke up that extra bit earlier to join with family and friends. Along the way of the walk we saw kangaroos, rabbits, birds, sheep and even cows. Also to mention we had other students from other schools walking along the same path which we said… Read more

    National Walk2School Day 2019
  • Year 5-6 Student Iftar Nights

    21 May 2019

    Last week, many of students from our Year 5/6 cohort attended an Iftar nights at the College. We had approximately 55 girls on Wednesday night and 35 boys on Thursday night to break their fast with their fellow student buddies and friends. During the evening the students attended Maghrib prayer in the musallah and returned to a wonderful… Read more

    Year 5-6 Student Iftar Nights
  • Annual Ramadan Interfaith Iftar

    20 May 2019

    Al Siraat College hosted the Annual Interfaith Ramadan Iftar in collaboration with the City of Whittlesea on Thursday, 9 May 2019. The event was MC'ed by College Vice Captain Chakour Sai and was attended by representatives from various local faith communities and local schools. Special guests included members of Victoria Police, MP… Read more

    Annual Ramadan Interfaith Iftar
  • Introducing Our 2019 House Captains

    20 May 2019

    For the first time, Al Siraat College is delighted to announce the new leadership position as House Captains. Our eight House Captains falls under the work umbrella of Student Representative Council SRC and are part of the Student Leadership service. The eight House Captains two for each of our four houses demonstrate a high level of… Read more

    Introducing Our 2019 House Captains
  • AFL at Al Siraat: Round 3

    20 May 2019

    We continued our season this week with a match away to Morang South – this is a correction to the previous post that stated that we were playing Marymede. Our boys should be proud of the manner in which they upheld the values of the college, and the spirit they showed throughout each of our three games this season. Sadly, the results did… Read more

    AFL at Al Siraat: Round 3
  • Pre-Eid Market

    19 May 2019

    The Parents and Friends Forum of the College PFF would like to thank all the wonderful parent volunteers who have helped out these past few weeks by attending crafty working bees to make goods for the upcoming Pre-Eid Market. Our committed group of parent volunteers have made over a 1,000 items to sell for our wonderful market. Prices at… Read more

    Pre-Eid Market
  • AFL at Al Siraat: Round 2

    17 May 2019

    Round two of AFL saw a brave performance by our students against Epping Views Primary School. A great improvement was evident in all aspects of the game, especially the development of the overall understanding of the game. Our boys should be extremely proud of their effort and conduct last week!. Again, the results did not go in our… Read more

    AFL at Al Siraat: Round 2
  • Year 5-6: Cross Country Race

    16 May 2019

    Twenty of our young athletes competed in the Cross Country race at Bundoora Park last Tuesday. The long 3km race is a difficult task to complete at any time of the year, so to attempt it whilst fasting is a great achievement in itself. Not only does this show the resilience of our students, but it shows their appetite for success and… Read more

    Year 5-6: Cross Country Race
  • Ramadan Mubarak from our SRCs

    15 May 2019

    Our Student Representative Council SRC would like to extend our greetings to you as we have begun the observance of Ramadan, a month devoted to fasting, prayer and almsgiving, honouring Allah swt and the revelation of the Holy Qur’an. . Ramadan is the holiest month and is a time of reflection, a time of spiritual renewal, and a time of… Read more

    Ramadan Mubarak from our SRCs
  • New Pedestrian Access to Primary Building

    14 May 2019

    To improve pedestrian flow and access to the Primary building and canteen, we have opened up a new temporary access path via the TEAMS building and our canteen. Please refer to the photo map for details on where to walk for a quicker access to the Primary School building A. The new footpath will be asphalted at a later stage and become a… Read more

    New Pedestrian Access to Primary Building
  • Netball at Al Siraat College

    13 May 2019

    Even though our students were fasting and facing the frosty cold temperature, it wasn’t enough to stop them playing an amazing game of netball against Epping Views Primary School. A great showing with both our netball teams coming through victorious: Team A won 9 to 3, and Team B won 7 to 2. The girls trained and worked collaboratively to… Read more

    Netball at Al Siraat College
  • 2019 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

    13 May 2019

    The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Al Siraat College is excited to be participating once again. The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set… Read more

    2019 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
  • Women Award Nomination for Ms Tanja

    8 May 2019

    The College would like to congratulate our very own Ms Tanja on her nomination for this year’s "Baasila Women Acknowledging Women Awards 2019. The Baasila Awards are an incredible platform pioneered to celebrate the substantial contributions of Australian Muslim women. The inaugural Women Acknowledging Women Awards of 2018 celebrated the… Read more

    Women Award Nomination for Ms Tanja
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