Al Siraat news

Student Leadership news – 151 stories

  • Podium Islamic High School Conference 2023

    15 June 2023

    The first Inter Islamic High School Conference took place at the Australian International Academy Senior campus in Coburg in partnership with Podium, a not-for-profit Muslim Youth Organisation that aims to amplify the voices of Muslim youth. Our Senior Year 11/12 students, along with selected Year 10 students, attendedthis one-day… Read more

    Podium Islamic High School Conference 2023
  • Whittlesea Environmental Youth Summit 2023

    8 June 2023

    Our Student Representative Council SRC is excited to share the remarkable highlights of the 2023 Whittlesea Environmental Youth Summit at the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre which took place right on World Environmental Day of Monday, 5th June. This year’s theme, focused on environmental sustainability, provided a platform for… Read more

    Whittlesea Environmental Youth Summit 2023
  • Environmental Student Leadership: Lalor Landcare

    7 June 2023

    In the lead up to World Environmental Day, celebrated on 5th June each year, our Environmental Student Leaders from Years 5 to Year 8 assisted Lalor Landcare with restoration work at Edgars Creek. Edgars Creek is located within the ‘Woody Grasslands’ of the Victorian Volcanic Plain and has a catchment on the basalt plains in Wollert. It… Read more

    Environmental Student Leadership: Lalor Landcare
  • National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week 2023

    1 June 2023

    This week, we celebrate National Reconciliation Week NRW as a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for National Reconciliation Week are the same each year: 27 May to 3 June. Our Year 7 to 11… Read more

    National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week 2023
  • Primary Student Leaders Announced

    11 May 2023

    Our Student Representative Council SRC is delighted to announce the results of the Year 5 and Year 6 student leadership selections. After a thorough and rigorous process, we have chosen an exceptional group of students to lead the College community in 2023. Congratulations to all newly elected 2023 Year 5 and Year 6 SRCs, Media and… Read more

    Primary Student Leaders Announced
  • Secondary Student Leaders Announced

    11 May 2023

    Our Student Representative Council SRC is delighted to announce the appointment of the newly selected Secondary School student leaders for 2023. The selection process was highly competitive, and we were impressed with many talented students who demonstrated their leadership potential. We extend our congratulations to the following student… Read more

    Secondary Student Leaders Announced
  • Update: Syrian Earthquake 2023 Campaign

    16 March 2023

    Our Student Representative Council SRC members have been very busy preparing and packing clothes, hygiene products and educational stationery packs for people affected by the Syria earthquake. Watch a video of our SRCs in action here. Our Year 5 and Year 6 students spent two days packing over… Read more

    Update: Syrian Earthquake 2023 Campaign
  • IWD Breakfast at St. Monica’s College

    15 March 2023

    Our Year 12 Senior girls were invited to attend a joined breakfast to honour International Women’s Day IWD, hosted by St. Monica’s College on Friday, 10th March 2023. Our Seniors had the wonderful opportunity to network with SMC students, Principal Brian E. Hanley and senior SMC staff. St. Monica’s College alumni Maris Petros spoke about… Read more

    IWD Breakfast at St. Monica’s College
  • IWD Lunch with the Minister at Parliament

    15 March 2023

    Five or our Year 12 Senior girls had the opportunity to visit the Parliament of Victoria on the special occasion of International Women’s Day. This year’s IWD was “Embrace Equity”. The aim of the theme is to start a conversation about why equal opportunities aren’t enough for women. Embracing equity involves working towards gender… Read more

    IWD Lunch with the Minister at Parliament
  • Syria Earthquake Appeal 2023

    9 March 2023

    Syria Earthquake Campaign Container from Melbourne. Happening now!. Can you help us to collect the aid items below through your friends, schools and communities to help some of the most vulnerable displaced families in Syria? Mercy Wings & Al Siraat College have partnered with Australian Syrian Association Victoria in collecting new items… Read more

    Syria Earthquake Appeal 2023
  • SRC Fundraiser: Earthquake Emergency Appeal – Monday, 13 February

    10 February 2023

    Our Student Representative Council SRC in partnership with MATW Muslim around the World-Project are collecting urgent funds for the recent earthquake emergency affecting our brethren in Turkiye, Syria and Lebanon. This coming Monday, 13th February 2023, our SRCs will be collecting monetary donations in the Primary classes and Secondary… Read more

    SRC Fundraiser: Earthquake Emergency Appeal – Monday, 13 February
  • World Teachers’ Day Celebration

    3 November 2022

    The 5th annual World Teachers’ Day was celebrated at the College with an afternoon function for all staff on Friday, 28 October 2022. The event was organised and hosted by our Student Representative Council SRC as an opportunity to honour the hardships as well as to acknowledge teachers' special role in students’ lives at Al Siraat… Read more

    World Teachers’ Day Celebration
  • SRC Year 12’s Farewell and new College Captains Announcement

    26 October 2022

    Our Student Representative Council SRC had organised and hosted the inaugural whole Secondary School assembly to farewell our Year 12 students on last Friday, 21st October 2022. Speeches were made by Head of Secondary Mr Vis, Co-Principal Ms Rahat, Year 12 Homegroup teacher Mr Mohammed A. and Student Leadership Coordinator Ms Noori who… Read more

    SRC Year 12’s Farewell and new College Captains Announcement
  • Senior SRCs Boys: Feed the Homeless

    30 September 2022

    During the current term break, our Secondary SRCs boys made time to visit and serve fresh food to homeless people in the CBD in the evenings of Sunday, 18th and 25th September. Our Seniors volunteered by preparing, cooking, and serving freshly cooked sausage rolls with chopped BBQ onions and drinks to feed the homeless. They had lovely… Read more

    Senior SRCs Boys: Feed the Homeless
  • Donations Delivered to Afghan Refugees

    29 September 2022

    Our Student Representative Council had organised the drive in partnership with the National Zakat Foundation to support and provide newly arrived Afghan refugees with prayer mats and Qur'ans. Student Leaders have collected, sorted, and packed more than 250 Holy Qur'ans and prayer rugs sets during lunch hours in August and September. On… Read more

    Donations Delivered to Afghan Refugees
  • Whittlesea Youth Forum

    28 September 2022

    The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Solar Homes organised and hosted a Youth Forum at Mill Park Library in the evening of Wednesday, 7 September 2022. Seven of our Senior SRCs participated in the youth consultation, presenting current issues that matters to young people in our community about… Read more

    Whittlesea Youth Forum
  • Maserati Park Planting Activity

    15 September 2022

    Our Environmental leaders, SRCs, LEAP and KLIC students from Years 5 to 8 joined forces with the Darebin Creek Management Committee DCMC to plant trees and shrubs at Maserati Park in Epping earlier this week. With our students' help, a couple of hundred plants were put into the ground in the grassy bushland area along our local stretch of… Read more

    Maserati Park Planting Activity
  • Pakistan 75th Independence Day

    18 August 2022

    Last Sunday, 14 August marked Pakistan’s 75th diamond jubilee Independence Day. Four of our Secondary student leaders participated in a Public Speech Competition on this special occasion, held at the Pakistan Consulate General here in Melbourne. The celebration ceremony was opened with a beautiful Qur'an recital by our Year 4 Hifz student… Read more

    Pakistan 75th Independence Day
  • Multicultural Eid and Food Festival

    15 August 2022

    The Multicultural Eid and Food Festival was organised by Pakistan Welfare Organisation Australia PWOA in Sunshine North on Saturday, 16 July 2022. Twelve of our Secondary student leaders volunteered their weekend to give a helping hand to the organisers in setting up the event. The student volunteers did various jobs like setup of the… Read more

    Multicultural Eid and Food Festival
  • Senior Boys: Feed the Homeless

    29 July 2022

    After a year of lockdown, Student Council is pleased to return to serve the homeless and disadvantaged people in the city. The last two Sundays, Al Siraat College, in partnership with “Hasene Australia” was able to host quality services to the homeless people at Queen Victoria market, corner of Franklin Street. It was chilly night and the… Read more

    Senior Boys: Feed the Homeless
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