Al Siraat news

Secondary School news – 255 stories

  • Secondary Students' Iftars held this week

    6 May 2021

    As Ramadan nears the end, we held two student iftars this week inside our TEAMS building: On Wednesday, we held a Secondary girls iftar with 121 girls. A program was arranged for them from 3:15pm to 6pm. The Secondary boys iftar was held on Thursday with 90 boys in attendance. Both events were thoroughly enjoyed by both students and… Read more

    Secondary Students' Iftars held this week
  • Chemistry Quiz for Secondary Students

    3 May 2021

    Once again, Al Siraat’s Science Department is conducting the "Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Chemistry Quiz" at the end of July 2021. Separated by year levels, the quiz comprises of 30 multiple choice questions with students participating across the country. The quiz is open to all secondary students. Quizzes like these are… Read more

    Chemistry Quiz for Secondary Students
  • College DUX of 2020: Aishah Arain

    18 March 2021

    Al Siraat College was proud to have presented our 2020 College Dux Award to Aishah Arain in a special Senior Assembly on Thursday, 18 March. The College Dux is the most prestigious award of any school and is presented to the student that achieves the highest ATAR in that academic year. The award was presented at an assembly of Year 11 and… Read more

    College DUX of 2020: Aishah Arain
  • VCE Parent Information Webinar

    12 March 2021

    Al Siraat hosted a VCE information night webinar for our Secondary School parents in the evening of Wednesday, 3 March 2021. The recording of the webinar is now available on our ASC YouTube channel for anyone who might have missed the live session or would like to rewatch in their own time. Watch the VCE information webinar here… Read more

    VCE Parent Information Webinar
  • Apple Pencil Rollout Has Commenced

    4 March 2021

    We have commenced with our Apple Pencils rollout for Secondary students. If you have not purchased an Apple Pencil for your child, we strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible. The Apple Pencil will complement existing digital learning platforms and programs that we have at the College such as: - Showbie – submission of work… Read more

    Apple Pencil Rollout Has Commenced
  • Secondary Parent Information Webinar

    16 February 2021

    Al Siraat hosted a Parent Information Webinar for our Secondary School in the evening of Wednesday, 10 February 2021. The recording of the webinar is now available on our ASC YouTube channel for anyone who might have missed the live session or would like to rewatch in their own time. Watch the Secondary Parent Info Session… Read more

    Secondary Parent Information Webinar
  • Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

    17 December 2020

    Al Siraat College held its 6th Graduation Ceremony at Bellagio Receptions in Epping on Tuesday, 15 December. Staff and parents witnessed 24 of our students graduating from the College at a glamourous event, that was the highlight of a difficult year both for students and teachers. During the three-course dinner event, graduates were… Read more

    Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
  • Secondary: Semester 2 Awards Ceremony

    14 December 2020

    On Friday, 11 December 2020, the Secondary School held its awards assembly outdoors, under the new sails on the multi court surface. Certificates were awarded for Academic Endeavour, Academic Excellence and the best performing student across the Year level – the Year Level Dux award. The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork awards… Read more

    Secondary: Semester 2 Awards Ceremony
  • 2021 Year 7 Transition

    14 December 2020

    Our current Year 6 students as well as newly enrolled students for Year 7 in 2021 explored the new world of Secondary School over the course of two days last week. It is our primary focus to ensure our students moving into new classes to feel familiar, safe, secure and connected to their new Senior School teachers, peers and the learning… Read more

    2021 Year 7 Transition
  • Inaugural Literary Journal

    4 December 2020

    During the past year, I have worked closely with a group of students in developing Al Siraat’s first Literary Journal. From wistful poetry to gripping fiction, the anthology showcases our students' best works in areas of literature and art. This edition of the Al Siraat Journal contains a mix of short fiction, contemporary poetry… Read more

    Inaugural Literary Journal
  • Wacky Wednesday Lunchtime Fun

    12 November 2020

    Our Student Support Department is running "Wacky Wednesday" activities for Secondary students each week during lunchtime for the remainder of this term. Yesterday, the Secondary girls participated in a skipping challenge for the most number of skips in a row, whereas our Secondary boys had the option to join a Netball shooting challenge… Read more

    Wacky Wednesday Lunchtime Fun
  • Welcome Back on Site Years 8 and 9

    2 November 2020

    We were very excited to welcome back our Year 8 and 9 students on site and see their smiling faces in person, Alhumdulilah. Students started their first day back on Monday, 26 October to onsite learning with some fun sports activities including table tennis, soccer, bat tennis, dodgeball and basketball and net ball. At the conclusion of… Read more

    Welcome Back on Site Years 8 and 9
  • Farewelling our Year 12 VCE Students

    30 October 2020

    Today, we bid farewell to our dear Year 12 students. They have had an extraordinary year but have come out on top. They have shown resilience and commitment to their learning and we are proud of them. We are confident that we have equipped them well to handle the world outside of school. They have upheld our College values and were a… Read more

    Farewelling our Year 12 VCE Students
  • Year 12’s Thanking Frontline Workers

    28 October 2020

    Last week’s Friday 23 October 2020 was "Thank You Day" to honour our frontline workers; our doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers. Our 2020 Year 12 VCE students would like to sincerely thank all these workers for their dedication and commitment during this unprecedented time in our lives. Read more

    Year 12’s Thanking Frontline Workers
  • Years 7 and 10 Welcome Back Activities

    14 October 2020

    On Monday, 12 October 2020, we were very excited to welcome back our students on site, alhumdulillah. Our Year 7 students started their day with a range of activities including table tennis, dodgeball, car racing and cooking. Whilst our Year 10 students, ended the day outside in the beautiful weather rotating between table tennis… Read more

    Years 7 and 10 Welcome Back Activities
  • Face Mask Making by Year 7 Students

    15 September 2020

    Our Year 7 students have been learning how to sew face masks for their Textiles project. It is amazing how keen they are with learning and adaptive of the current circumstances, mashaAllah. Well done to all of them. Click here to view more… Read more

    Face Mask Making by Year 7 Students
  • 2019 DUX of Year 12 – Abu Bakr Ayoubi

    14 February 2020

    Al Siraat celebrated the College DUX of 2019 for Year 12: Abu Bakr Ayoubi scored the highest marks in the VCE examination and is a proud DUX recipient. Abu Bakr’s success and presentation was celebrated with our Years 10 to 12 VCE students in a special assembly this morning on Wednesday, 12 February 2020. Click here to view more… Read more

    2019 DUX of Year 12 – Abu Bakr Ayoubi
  • SECONDARY Awards Assembly

    16 December 2019

    The Secondary Awards Assembly was held on Friday, 13 December 2019. Students were recognised for their effort with the Endeavour Award, for their academic excellence with the Academic Achievement Award and finally, the best in the Year Level with the Year Level Dux Award. The Year Level Dux awardees were: - Aishah Arain Year 11. - Asmaa… Read more

    SECONDARY Awards Assembly
  • Year 12 Graduation 2019

    25 November 2019

    Our 12 graduates celebrated their valedictory dinner with a glamorous evening function at Bellagio Reception in Epping on last Friday, 22 November 2019. The dinner was well attended by proud family and friends as well as many excited College teachers and staff. Click HERE for more… Read more

    Year 12 Graduation 2019
  • Year 10 Health Excursion: Yarra Bend Park

    30 October 2019

    Our Year 10 Health students tackled one of Melbourne’s most popular natural bushland walking sites: Yarra Bend Park is considered the closest natural bushland near the CBD. The expedition commenced near Yarra Bend Golf Course, with a circuit taking students through Collingwood and all the way to Richmond, followed by a return hike back… Read more

    Year 10 Health Excursion: Yarra Bend Park
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