27 July 2023
Our Year 9 KLIC students had the opportunity to visit a nursery in Bulleen, in which they were given a tour of the plants, flowers and seedlings in season at the moment. The students were able to ask questions about growing conditions, suitability for schools, as well as general facts about each plant. The students chose a mixture of bush… Read more
7 June 2023
Yesterday saw our Year 10 students demonstrating great talent and skills in Food Studies. For their practical first semester exam, students were tasked to prepare a traditional dish, either sweet or savoury, which they served to a panel of judges from our teaching staff. Prior to cooking and serving the traditional dish of their choice… Read more
1 June 2023
All of our Year 10 boys recently attended Whittlesea Tech School in Epping to create a classic arcade game. It was a day of hands-on learning by doing, with our students keen to outdo each other with their arcade game creations. Using free online software, participants worked through a tutorial to learn the basics of block coding through… Read more
1 June 2023
The Year 11 and 12 VCD Visual Communication and Design students recently embarked on an exciting and enriching excursion to the "Melbourne Now" exhibition and Top Designs, two prestigious showcases of contemporary art and design. Top Designs exhibition celebrates the exceptional work of VCE Design and Technology students, showcasing their… Read more
25 May 2023
Our Year 11 VCE Food Studies students were tasked to successfully complete a practical SAC on the brief of "What’s your story?", using Indigenous spices to make savory biscuits and a contemporary dip. Students were provided with the traditional recipe for English Savory Biscuits. Reflecting on the arrival of the first settlers in… Read more
24 May 2023
The Secondary English Department organised their inaugural High School Oratory Contest during Education Week, featuring 22 student orators on Monday, 22 May 2023. All students from Years 7 to Year 12 attended and found the event very educational and inspirational. Some students who did not take part came forth and declared their interest… Read more
24 May 2023
Applications to join our "LEAP – Learning Enrichment Accelerated Program" in Year 7/2024 will strictly be closing on Friday, 2nd June 2023. This program is open to students who are academically strong, highly motivated and with excellent work ethic. Testing for these places is open to both Al Siraat as well as external students currently… Read more
18 May 2023
The Year 10 and 11 students participated in the Road Smart Interactive incursion this week. The program is aimed at educating students about the role we all play in addressing road trauma in a very engaging and interactive experience using the latest immersive technologies. Students moved through a range of stations as they learn about… Read more
27 April 2023
The Student Representative Council SRC and our Year 12 cohort organized a Cultural Hi-Tea event for Year 12 students and Secondary staff prior to the commencement of Ramadan. The event aimed to celebrate the diversity of cultures within the school community and promote intercultural understanding and appreciation. The atmosphere was… Read more
26 April 2023
Our Year 12 Senior boys were invited to Mill Park Police Station for a Harmony Day lunch before Ramadan where they had the chance to connect with community leaders and police officers. The boys brought traditional plates of food to share, creating a meaningful exchange of cultures. Senior Sergeant David Choueiri and Ansam Sadik from Mill… Read more
26 April 2023
In this After School Robotics Club, Secondary students in Year 7 to 10 will gain skills and understanding working with Arduino, including coding loops, variables, IF statements, lists, operators and much more in a simplified version of C++. Students will design, build and program a robotic vehicle with artificial intelligence to achieve… Read more
2 March 2023
Our VCE Year 11 students were in for a very special excursion treat, investigating China’s traditional cuisine and history as part of their Unit 1 Food Studies: Students went to "Bowltiful – Halal Lanzhou Beef Noodles" in the CBD where they learnt about the origin and ancient art of these hand-pulled noodles. Our students learnt that the… Read more
2 March 2023
All new Secondary students in Years 7 to 12 were treated to a morning tea last week as part of our Pastoral and Wellbeing Program. The morning tea sessions were an opportunity for coordinators to share some yummy snacks with new students whilst checking in with them. Our goal is to ensure all new students have settled in well, developed… Read more
23 February 2023
Our Year 12 students attended their VCE Study Retreat at Lady Northcote Discovery Camp in Glenmore, near Bacchus Marsh from Friday, 3rd February to Sunday, 5th February 2023. A night walk, camp fire, indoor games, movie night watching "Bilal – a new breed of hero", giant swing and canoeing were recreational activities for our Senior… Read more
17 February 2023
The Secondary School held its VCE Awards Ceremony for our 2022 VCE students on Tuesday, 14 February. Our 2022 VCE results were the best in the history of the College: - Highest ATAR was 98.05. - 4 students obtaining an ATAR of 90+. - 2 perfect study scores of 50 . - 20 scores of 40+. - 37.5% achieved an ATAR of 80 or above. - 9 out of 12… Read more
16 February 2023
Our Secondary students doing VCE Unit 1 & 2 Food Studies attended a personal development class with Veg Education on Tuesday, 14th February 2023 to learn about safety and hygiene practices. A major pillar of their Food Studies subject is food safety and hygiene practices: Students are required to demonstrate the safe use of both equipment… Read more
16 February 2023
Wacky Wednesday activities are back in full swing for Secondary School in 2023!. Wacky Wednesdays are designed to introduce students to new and sometimes wacky activities every week! These sessions give students a chance to try something new and an opportunity to meet new friends and have some lunch time fun. This week, the students… Read more
14 December 2022
For two years in a row now, we have exceeded our previous VCE results. A pleasant surprise has been the jump in the number of students achieving 40 and above in their study scores and our first perfect study scores of 50 in VET Sport and Recreation and VET Business!. We have strived to promote the message to our students to stop worrying… Read more
8 December 2022
Our current Year 6 students as well as newly enrolled students for Year 7 in 2023 explored the new world of Secondary School over the course of two days this week as part of the ASC Secondary School Transition Program. The comprehensive transition program is aimed providing valuable insights about secondary school by providing students… Read more
2 December 2022
Alhamdullilah, the LEAP Inquiry Exhibition has been a great and successful event held in our auditorium on last Friday, 18 November 2022 . The exhibition was well attended by parents, staff and fellow students after school from 2.30pm onwards. The exhibition was a whole year’s worth of student research work, stretching over the course of… Read more