Al Siraat news

Secondary School news – 255 stories

  • Year 7 Students doing Art with the Elderly

    29 April 2016

    Senior students from Years 7A and 7B visited ESTIA Age Care in Epping to do art with the residents this week as well as in the previous week. It was a very rewarding experience for both our students as well as the elderly residents, with lots of positive interaction happening as well as the beautiful artwork. Students were perfectly… Read more

    Year 7 Students doing Art with the Elderly
  • First Senior School Assembly of Term 2

    13 April 2016

    Our Senior School students started off the new term with their fortnightly assembly on the first day back last Monday, 11th April. Special Guest of the day was Mr Gary Chan from Bicycles for Humanity B4H, a charity organisation 100% run by volunteers. Gary presented the students with information about the wonderful work Bicycles for… Read more

    First Senior School Assembly of Term 2
  • What’s happening in Science at Al Siraat

    30 March 2016

    This term has been a very busy time for our Science team as the focus this year is to provide students with increased hands-on experiences in Science. Teachers have been doing this by allowing students to explore and review concepts through web-based inter-actives, games and increased laboratory work. In addition to what is happening in… Read more

    What’s happening in Science at Al Siraat
  • Year 7 Field Trip to the Darebin Creek Parklands

    17 March 2016

    Senior students in 7A and 7B attended a field trip to Darebin Creek Parklands, in Alphington, where they undertook study of the waterway. The students have been studying water and what impacts our water during term 1 in Geography. We travelled in Al Siraat’s new bus and arrived in Alphington to meet two very experienced park education… Read more

    Year 7 Field Trip to the Darebin Creek Parklands
  • Year 12 VCE students' visit to the Toyota Factory

    16 March 2016

    Students from Year studying Business Management attended a tour of the Toyota factory in Altona this week. We got an opportunity to see the operations management of the entire plant. It was a fascinating experience watching the construction of an entire car. The cars are constructed with the assistance of hundreds of robots and a team of… Read more

    Year 12 VCE students' visit to the Toyota Factory
  • MCG Visit for VET Sport and Recreation Students

    11 March 2016

    This term, students enrolled in VET Sport and Recreation visited the MCG Melbourne Cricket Grounds, participating in a guided tour as well as practising their skills in sporting activities in the ‘Game on’ centre. The purpose of the excursion was to investigate the customer service qualities and procedures provided by a variety of sectors… Read more

    MCG Visit for VET Sport and Recreation Students
  • Senior Girls are Off to Camp

    29 February 2016

    This morning, 46 of our Senior Girls students from Year levels 7 to 10 boarded the buses taking them to the "The Summit" camp site in Trafalgar, near Moe. We can confirm that all students have arrived safely, enjoyed a hearty lunch and have already started enjoying the first activity of the day. Read more

    Senior Girls are Off to Camp
  • VCE Sports and Recreation: First Aid Course

    19 February 2016

    Students from Years 10 and 11 of our Senior School who are doing VCE in Sports and Recreation successfully participated in a First Aid Course this week. The course was designed to supply students with the knowledge to perform First Aid and CPR in an emergency. To become certified in first aid or CPR, a student must undergo practical… Read more

    VCE Sports and Recreation: First Aid Course
  • Year 7 Students School-Based Vaccination Program 2016

    4 February 2016

    Year 7 students have been sent home with their Consent Card booklet offering free vaccinations for. - Human Papillomavirus HPV. - Chickenpox and Diphteria. - Tetanus and . - Whooping Cough. These vaccines are only free whilst students are in Year 7. If you decide to defer them, you will need to pay for them. Please return the booklet by… Read more

    Year 7 Students School-Based Vaccination Program 2016
  • Year 12 Graduation 2015

    21 December 2015

    Al Siraat College held its first ever Year 12 Graduation at the "La Mirage Reception Centre" in Somerton on Friday, 27 November 2015. It was a glamorous, fun-filled evening with proud parents and excited teachers. The girls were beautifully decked out in their graduation gowns and the evening was enjoyed by all. Click HERE to view more… Read more

    Year 12 Graduation 2015
  • Congratulations to our VCE Graduates

    17 December 2015

    Congratulations to our VCE Graduates . The College congratulates the first Year 12 graduates on the completion of their Year 12 studies. The graduates have received excellent results with the highest ATAR being 93.55. The average ATAR for our students was 76.80. The students have also achieved outstanding individual study scores for… Read more

    Congratulations to our VCE Graduates
  • Special Senior End of Year Assembly

    11 December 2015

    Students from Years 7 to 11, their teachers and parents came together today to celebrate the end of a successful year in the Senior School. Students were acknowledged by College Principals Mr Houghton and Ms Rahat for their overall Academic Achievements as well as excellent in various subjects, including Sports Awards. Ustadah Khadeejah… Read more

    Special Senior End of Year Assembly
  • End of Year Secondary Excursion: Ice Skating

    10 December 2015

    Senior students, both male and female, from Years 7 to 10 were taken to the O'Brien Group Arena in the Docklands for a fun ice skating excursion to celebrate a successful year at Al Siraat coming to an end. After donning helmets and skates, the students attended a skating lessons by the friendly Icehouse staff before taking to the ice… Read more

    End of Year Secondary Excursion: Ice Skating
  • Year 6 to Year 7 (High School) Transition

    10 December 2015

    Transition is an important process for current and new students entering Senior School for the first time from the Junior School and as they advance to the next year level. At the end of every year, Al Siraat College provides a comprehensive transition program for all current and new students from Year 6 to Year 7. The change from Junior… Read more

    Year 6 to Year 7 (High School) Transition
  • Lest we forget: WW2 veteran visiting ASC

    12 November 2015

    Yesterday, 11th November marked "Remembrance Day" and what better way to engage our Senior students than having them hear directly from a World War 2 veteran: Our Senior Year 9 and 10 students were lucky enough to meet Jack, a 91 year old, decorated World War 2 veteran, who is also the grandfather of one our Al Siraat College teachers:… Read more

    Lest we forget: WW2 veteran visiting  ASC
  • Special Guest visiting our Year 7 and 8 students

    27 October 2015

    Black Saturday survivor Di Naylor came to talk to the Year 7 and 8 students about her experiences in the Black Saturday Bushfire. Mrs Naylor used to live and still does in King Lake West and lost her house and her parents-in-law in the fire on 7th February 2009. She was lucky enough to just escape the flames with her two boys and evacuate… Read more

    Special Guest visiting our Year 7 and 8 students
  • Last Day of formal classes for Year 12

    19 October 2015

    Our first cohort of Year 12 students completed their formal schooling on Friday, 16 October 2015. They will now be preparing themselves for their final VCE exams, which starts on 28 October. The staff marked this important day with a luncheon and formal send-off for the girls, including the cutting of a cake in their honour. We wish these… Read more

    Last Day of formal classes for Year 12
  • Careers Programme: "Try a Trade Day" at Kangan TAFE

    16 October 2015

    As part of our Careers Programme, the Year 9 and 10 students were involved in two excursions at KANGAN Tafe and the Outer Northern Trade Training Centre ONTTC to experience a "Try a Trade Day". The purpose of these excursions was to expose our students to career pathways and opportunities that exist to them post Year 10 in order for… Read more

    Careers Programme:
  • Special Guest visiting our Secondary Assembly

    14 September 2015

    Our fortnightly Secondary Assembly invites inspiring and positive role models from the wider community to address our Senior students on various topics. This time, we invited Mr Navin Dhillon who spoke about Racism to the students. However, the highlight of the day, was young Oliver Pizzey-Stratford. Oliver is a quadriplegic and spoke to… Read more

    Special Guest visiting our Secondary Assembly
  • Writers Incursion with author Archimede Fusillo

    4 September 2015

    On Friday, 4th September 2015, the English Department at Al Siraat College held a writer’s incursion as part of and to celebrate Literacy Week. Students from Years 7 to 10 attended the incursion where they had the opportunity to meet Archimede Fusillo who is an accomplished writer and a successful presenter. He is the author of a number… Read more

    Writers Incursion with author Archimede Fusillo
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