Al Siraat news

Primary School news – 285 stories

  • Primary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention 2019

    21 August 2019

    On Tuesday, 6 August 2019, I had the pleasure of escorting two of our Year 6 students to Parliament House in the city. Jaylanie Al Hadad and Rayan Elayoubi were prepared to take part in this year’s Parliamentary Convention. The topic for the convention was “Should athletes and other celebrities use their popularity to influence social… Read more

    Primary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention 2019
  • Book Character Parade 2019

    20 August 2019

    This week, we celebrate "National Book Week" to raise awareness of the importance of reading skills and the love for books. One of the annual highlights of the week is the popular Book Character Parade which kicked off our Book Week celebrations at the College on Monday, 19 August 2019. It was fantastic to see the vast majority of… Read more

    Book Character Parade 2019
  • 100 Days of Learning for Foundation Students

    19 August 2019

    Our lovely Foundations have reached 100 Days of School! We enjoyed a special assembly on Friday celebrating all the learning and hard work they have been doing in their first 100 Days!. We started our assembly by a beautiful recitation of the Quran. Students spoke about what they have learnt and enjoyed in their first 100 days of school… Read more

    100 Days of Learning for Foundation Students
  • Year 5-6 Student Iftar Nights

    21 May 2019

    Last week, many of students from our Year 5/6 cohort attended an Iftar nights at the College. We had approximately 55 girls on Wednesday night and 35 boys on Thursday night to break their fast with their fellow student buddies and friends. During the evening the students attended Maghrib prayer in the musallah and returned to a wonderful… Read more

    Year 5-6 Student Iftar Nights
  • Bunnings School Grounds Painting Project

    11 April 2019

    A friendly and committed crew from Bunnings Warehouse came to the College on Wednesday, 22 March to paint various games on the concrete in the school yard for our Primary School students to use during their recess and lunch breaks. Bunnings generously supplied all necessary materials and labour on the day to complete this project for our… Read more

    Bunnings School Grounds Painting Project
  • Multi-Cultural Diversity Day

    29 March 2019

    "The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. We may have different languages, colours but we belong to one human race. Regardless of our differences, we are all the same.". Our Primary students from Foundation to Year 6 as well as their teachers celebrated Multi-Cultural Diversity Day with a special outdoors assembly and… Read more

    Multi-Cultural Diversity Day
  • Year 2 Excursion to Healesville Sanctuary

    21 February 2019

    Our Year 2 students went on a field trip to Healesville Sanctuary on Wednesday, 20 February 2019. The excursion was part of their inquiry topic called "Watch it Grow", which focuses on animals, habitats and their life cycles. Students had the opportunity to engage in animal feeding times and see most of the Australian animals including… Read more

    Year 2 Excursion to  Healesville Sanctuary
  • Our Year 3 and 4 Students at Prayer Time

    5 February 2019

    We would like to share with you the delightful news on how beautifully our Year 3 and 4 students have settled into the salah process for their daily Zuhr prayer at school. This is especially fantastic for our Year 3 students who are new to joining the other students in this large jamaat setting for prayers, mashaAllah. Salaah is an… Read more

    Our Year 3 and 4 Students at Prayer Time
  • Gingerbread Men Baking

    11 December 2018

    As part of the literacy program, our Year 1 students have been reading fairy tales and now learning to write a narrative as part of their author study. The students read and discussed the book "The Gingerbread Man" and then wrote their own version of the story. As an extension exercise, students designed their own gingerbread shapes in… Read more

    Gingerbread Men Baking
  • Pizza with the Principal

    21 November 2018

    On Wednesday, 21 November some students were invited to attend a special lunch – ‘Pizza with the Principal’. The students were chosen because of their beautiful qualities and character when interacting with peers and staff at school. Each student also had the privilege of bringing along one special guest, a friend or parent. Ms Rahat and… Read more

    Pizza with the Principal
  • Special Premier’s Reading Challenge Assembly with Special Guest

    19 October 2018

    Our local MP Lily D’Ambrosio visited the College this morning to personally distribute certificates for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Over 320 students from Al Siraat received certificates as a part of this challenge. Since the Premier’s Reading Challenge began, children in Victoria have read over 42 million books. We are very proud of… Read more

    Special Premier’s Reading Challenge Assembly with Special Guest
  • 2019 Foundation Transition Session 1

    17 October 2018

    What a wonderful first transition morning we had for our 2019 Foundation students and their parents on Monday! Believe it or not, we had some early birds arriving just after 8am. This demonstrates enthusiasm and promptness. Attached is a snapshot of some of the children engaged in some fun activities in class. Attached is a snapshot of… Read more

    2019 Foundation Transition Session 1
  • Junior School Numeracy and Literacy Week

    14 September 2018

    Student in our Junior Years Foundation to Year 4 were treated a wide range of interactive and fun activities for last week’s Numeracy and Literacy Week 2018. There were a number of fun learning activities that incorporated literacy and numeracy and students enjoyed them greatly. We asked some of our Year 2 students to provide us with some… Read more

    Junior School Numeracy and Literacy Week
  • Year 2: Mindfulness Program

    13 September 2018

    Our Year 2 students have been involved in the "Life Skills – Mindfulness In Action" Program during this Term. The program had a series of interactive, progressive lessons where our students could develop their self-awareness and increase impulse control, focus and empathy. It had a combination of visual and auditory stimuli with physical… Read more

    Year 2: Mindfulness Program
  • Special Storytime with Fairy Fleur

    6 September 2018

    Fairy Fleur has graced Al Siraat with a special Storytime for our Foundation to Year 1 students today to celebrate Literacy Week. She visited classes throughout the day and read Mem Fox' shortlisted children book "I am Australian" to the Junior Years students of the College. Fairy Fleur also paid a visit to the sickbay where she she made… Read more

    Special Storytime with Fairy Fleur
  • Al Siraat Post Office News

    6 September 2018

    In the afternoon of Wednesday, 5 September 2018, Ms Evla 'employed' two kind students, Hala and Abraham from Year 3B who accepted to help sort and distribute the Literacy & Numeracy Week mail to teaching staff. We were overwhelmed when we opened up our mailbox. Dare we say, there might have been 250 – 300 letters of appreciation and… Read more

    Al Siraat Post Office News
  • Tournament of Minds (TOM)

    30 August 2018

    On Saturday, 25 August 2018, Al Siraat students competed in the Tournament of Minds TOM at. La Trobe University, Bundoora. The two teams competed in the STEM Challenge and Social Science Challenge. The teams had 10 minutes to present their Long Term Challenge to an audience and panel of judges in the confined space of a three metre by… Read more

    Tournament of Minds (TOM)
  • National Book, Numeracy and Literacy Week 2018

    29 August 2018

    This year, the Junior School team will celebrate National Book Week, Literacy Week & Numeracy Week during the first week of September, from Monday 3rd – 11th September. Our purpose is to promote a love of literature and learning. We are very excited and the staff have begun making plans. During the week students will partake in a number… Read more

    National Book, Numeracy and Literacy Week 2018
  • Year 3 Camp Kangaroobie

    18 August 2018

    Our Year 3 Camp 2018 was held at “Camp Kangaroobie”, near the famous Great Ocean Road and 12 Apostles. After a long bus ride the students showed great patience and arrived at the camp full of excitement. Shouts of 'freedom' were made by several kids as they ran around the court yard overwhelmed with joy. Local camp dog Jedi was besieged… Read more

    Year 3 Camp Kangaroobie
  • Headlice Alert

    1 August 2018

    It has come to our attention that some students in our Junior School have recently been treated for head lice, and we seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair. Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head to head contact with someone who has head lice. You may be reassured to know that… Read more

    Headlice Alert
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