Al Siraat news

Parents&Friends Community news – 84 stories

  • Community Gardens: Mums Working Bees

    22 February 2019

    Alhamdulillah, our first ever gardening workshop on Thursday, 21 February was a blast with a great turnout from our wonderful parents. Our mums group, some with very little gardening experience, were able to put together a beautiful bird bath feature, assemble garden beds, lay paving and assemble seating furniture. The garden beds are now… Read more

    Community Gardens: Mums Working Bees
  • 2019 Pre Eid Market Call Out

    3 December 2018

    We had a very successful Pre Eid Market meeting earlier this morning to discuss ideas for our 2019 market. To make it a profitable event, we require as many donated items as possible. Please have a look around your home to find any unwanted items that you could donated to us. Items we are seeking include but are not limited to the below:… Read more

    2019 Pre Eid Market Call Out
  • Unsung Heroes Awards

    27 November 2018

    The College is delighted to announce that Mrs Sarah Wills who has been heading our Parent and Friends Forum PFF for many years, has made it to the Top 5 Finalists for this year’s "Unsung Heroes Award" in the ‘Support’ category. Voting closes on next Monday, 10 December!. Sr. Sarah’s nomination reads as follows: Sarah is the parent… Read more

    Unsung Heroes Awards
  • CPR First Aid Workshop for Ladies

    3 September 2018

    We would like to warmly invite you to attend a CRP / First Aid Workshop this coming Friday, 7 September in the Sisters side of the Musallah. The workshop is open to all sisters to join. You are more than welcome to bring a friend to this wonderful and much needed workshop. Read more

    CPR First Aid Workshop for Ladies
  • Knitting for the Syrian Winter Appeal

    31 August 2018

    It was great to see so many sisters get involved in the knitting for the Syrian Winter Appeal. It was a great opportunity for sisters to learn a new skill while producing knitted items for the Syrian people. Thank you to all the sisters who took part in any of the sessions held. We also had some sisters get their friends and work… Read more

    Knitting for the Syrian Winter Appeal
  • Coles Sports For School – Thank You

    8 August 2018

    The PFF along with the PE Department of the College would like to say a big Thank You to all the parents, families and friends who supported the “Coles Sports for School” program that ran earlier on this year. During this campaign, parents were asked to collect Coles Vouchers after each shop. We had so many vouchers at the end of the… Read more

    Coles Sports For School – Thank You
  • Knitting for the Syria Winter Appeal

    6 August 2018

    Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit?. Why not join us in a learn to knit session, while making scarves for the Syria Winter Appeal. We need to make as many scarves as possible by Friday, 31 August. Sisters who already know how to knit are welcome to attend too as extra hands to assist learners. Details. - When: Thursday, 9 August… Read more

    Knitting for the Syria Winter Appeal
  • Eid Celebration Fundraiser

    26 June 2018

    We are delighted to announce that our Parents and Friends Forum PFF as well our Student Representatives SRC are holding an EID FUNDRAISER event on this coming Thursday, 28 June 2018. There will be an afternoon of fun for all students. During lunch time, students will be able to buy baked goods from our bake stall, get some henna or face… Read more

    Eid Celebration Fundraiser
  • Great Turnout for Sisters Iftar

    30 May 2018

    On Friday, 25 May 2018 the sisters of our school community had a wonderful iftar together. Parents, staff and students came together to break their fast on dates and water. After praying Maghrib in the Musallah, we had a diverse range of foods to choose from to complete our meal. Thank you to all the sisters who attended the evening. We… Read more

    Great Turnout for Sisters Iftar
  • Pre-Eid Market a Great Success

    29 May 2018

    On behalf of the Parents and Friends Forum PFF, I would like to say a big thank you to all the students and parents who attended our first ever Pre Eid Market on Thursday, 24 May. The Pre-Eid Market was a wonderful opportunity for students to buy special gifts for their parents and family for Eid. It was lovely to see so many students… Read more

    Pre-Eid Market a Great Success
  • FINAL DAYS to Order Your Cookbook

    16 May 2018

    Please do not forget to ORDER our much anticipated Al Siraat fundraiser Cookbook called "From our family to yours" NOW. It proudly features delicious recipes from all over the world, to name just a few examples: Middle Eastern, South African, Asian, German. We are sure you and your children will love this wonderful cookbook as much as we… Read more

    FINAL DAYS to Order Your Cookbook
  • Al Siraat Pre-Eid Market

    16 May 2018

    The Parents and Friends Forum PFF is hosting a Pre-Eid Market on next week’s Thursday, 24 May. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our school community to purchase Eid gifts for family, friends or themselves. The PFF have hand made over a 1,000 items to sell for our Ramadan fundraiser. All funds from the fundraiser will go towards a… Read more

    Al Siraat Pre-Eid Market
  • PFF Catch-Up: Autumn Term Break

    12 April 2018

    The Parents and Friends Forum PFF would like to thank everyone who came to their school holidays catch-up at Edwardes Lake Park in Reservoir on Thursday, 5 April. The weather was beautiful and sunny and it was truly wonderful to see so many people show up. The kids loved playing with their friends and all the mums had a chance to put… Read more

    PFF Catch-Up: Autumn Term Break
  • Farewell Celebration Lunch for Mr Houghton

    23 March 2018

    It was with great sadness that many parents came together to farewell Principal Mr Houghton at a luncheon celebration on Thursday, 22 March 2018. We were all able to share our stories of appreciation and gratitude with him. We would like to thank Mr Houghton for all that he has done for our children over the years. He will be truly missed… Read more

    Farewell Celebration Lunch for Mr Houghton
  • PFF Crafty Working Bee

    15 March 2018

    The Parents and Friends Forum of the College PFF would like to thank all the wonderful parent volunteers who helped out at this morning’s working bee to make crafty goods for an upcoming Eid Market. Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends, while benefiting the school and our children. To view more photos of the crafty working bee… Read more

    PFF Crafty Working Bee
  • Welcome Morning Tea

    2 March 2018

    The Parents and Friends Forum PFF welcomed many of our parent volunteers with a morning tea and information session on Thursday, 1 March 2018. It was great to see so many parents come to show their interest in volunteering their time to support their children’s education. The PFF warmly welcomes any parent wanting to help out our school… Read more

    Welcome Morning Tea
  • Child Safety Matters: Working with Children Check

    7 February 2018

    The Parents and Friends Forum PFF of the College would like to sincerely welcome everyone to the new school year. We are hoping to see our familiar faces and many new faces this year volunteering their time to benefit their children and the school. If you are interested in volunteering whether it is in a large capacity or small, please… Read more

    Child Safety Matters: Working with Children Check
  • Miswak Fundraiser: $720 Raised

    24 August 2017

    The Parent and Friends Forum PFF of Al Siraat would like to say a heartfelt " JazakAllah Khayran" to each of you who contributed to our Miswak Fundraiser this month. We are very pleased to announce that the fundraiser was a great success, with many families reviving the beautiful sunnah of using miswak. We would like to give a special… Read more

    Miswak Fundraiser: $720 Raised
  • EXTENDED: Ramadan Drive

    4 May 2017

    Al Siraat has extended the deadline for its annual “Ramadan Date Drive” to next Tuesday, 9 May. All funds raised will go towards outdoor furniture around the playground. This year, the Ramadan Drive has been extended to include beautiful hand crafted Eid Cards as well as soy candles "by Suz" to the date drive. The dates supplied are… Read more

    EXTENDED: Ramadan Drive
  • Bake Sale Fundraiser for RCH

    24 March 2017

    The Parents and Friends Forum PFF of the College would like to say a heartfelt "Thank You" to everyone who contributed towards the bake sale. We were amazed by the sheer amount of delicious goods donated and can inform you that our first Bake Sale of the new year was a huge success. All funds raised will be donated to the Good Friday… Read more

    Bake Sale Fundraiser for RCH
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