20 May 2016
Interfaith Dialogue at Al Siraat: What an amazing day and unforgettable experience to have for our younger generation: Al Siraat College commenced an ambitious partnership with St Monica’s College last year, interacting through an interfaith program for the first time. The results had such a positive impact on the students and staff… Read more
16 May 2016
Please be reminded that our Radaman Dates Fundraiser finishes in two days, on this week’s Wednesday, 18th May. We are unable to take any orders after Wednesday, 18 May 2016. Please support our fundraising efforts by purchasing some delicious Hedieh Iranian dates. Order as many boxes as you like. Why not buy some for your family and as… Read more
6 May 2016
The inaugural ‘Let’s Make a Difference’ Volunteering Expo at the College was held on Wednesday, 27 April and was a great success, alhamdulillah. The Expo was conducted in partnership with the Wellbeing and Secondary Islamic Studies Departments, the Year 9 students and volunteer organisations, including the County Fire Authority, Ramon… Read more
4 May 2016
Al Siraat College conducted a successful "Emergency Evacuation Drill" this morning for all students, staff and visitors on site. The drill was conducted in a timely and orderly manner and is to help students and staff familiarise themselves with the evacuation procedure, so they know what to do and where to go in an emergency situation… Read more
29 April 2016
The 2016 Sports Carnival hit Sky High! Now in its fourth consecutive year, the 2016 Sports Carnival was bigger and better. The event commenced with the traditional opening by Mr Houghton and a beautiful Qur'an recitation by Sheikh Ahmad Hachem. This year the Carnival also hosted the school Fun Run, which was an added delight that had… Read more
28 April 2016
Our latest Parent Education Seminar PES on "Comprehending Reading" was a great success and attracted a full house earlier this week. It was wonderful to see so many parents of students in Years Foundation to Year 2 taking up the opportunity to join us in exploring reading at home with their child/children. The session provided an insight… Read more
20 April 2016
The Super Schools Promotion at Craigieburn Central Shopping Mall has opened today. Please collect your shopping receipts and drop them off at the collection boxes in our Admin or Student Service Office for our chance to win major cash prizes: - 1st Prize: $10,000. - 2nd Prize: $5,000. - 3rd Prize: $1,000. How does it work?. The Promotion… Read more
12 April 2016
Al Siraat College was delighted to host today’s visit by the Indonesian delegation of the Australia-Indonesia Muslim Leaders Exchange Program MEP. The delegation of five was warmly welcomed by the Senior Leadership Team of the College and attended a presentation before enjoying morning tea. The visit to Al Siraat College was the first… Read more
12 April 2016
SubhanAllah! . It’s that time again when pens and books, oh and I almost forgot, iPads, are put down for a day and students battle it out in friendly competition. Our 2016 Sports Carnival and Fun Run will be held on FRIDAY, 22nd April 2016. Students can wear their house colours, provided they are adhering to the College’s Islamic dress… Read more
24 March 2016
Today’s Bake Sale fundraiser for the people in Fiji affected by Cyclone Winston was a huge success. The baked goods were so many that they filled four tables, providing students with a delicious and colourful variety of options to chose from. To view photos of today’s Bake Sale, please CLICK… Read more
22 March 2016
The Welcoming Diversity Forum was attended by our Interfaith Ambassadors and selected SRCs. It was held at the Whittlesea Council Offices on 21 March 2016 with a great line-up of speakers and performances. Photos of the Diversity Forum can be VIEWED HEREhttp://www.alsiraat.vic.edu.au/gallery/school-events/diversity-forum/march-2016. The… Read more
18 March 2016
Al Siraat will be conducting a Bake Sale on Thursday, 24th March – the last day of Term 1 – to raise funds for the people of Fiji after the recent devastation of Cyclone Winston. We are seeking parents to help us with this fundraising by baking goods for our sale. Some great sale items would be: - cupcakes. - muffins. - cakes and. -… Read more
17 March 2016
Al Siraat College is supporting “Bicycles for Humanity" and would like to encourage parents and the wider community to contribute towards their current fundraiser. Your donations will be used to finance the shipping of containers with 400 bikes each to various countries worldwide, including Fiji and Namibia. The containers will remain at… Read more
15 March 2016
Al Siraat College has taken pride in providing our student leaders opportunities to enhance their skills and flourish as exemplary representatives of Al Siraat. Friday, 11th of March 2016, marked the Induction for both our Junior and Senior SRC members. We had several elite guest from our community gracing the occasion including Mr. Craig… Read more
10 March 2016
What camp really means to me. - To view photos of the Senior BOYS Camp, please CLICK HEREhttp://www.alsiraat.vic.edu.au/gallery/senior-school/senior-boys-camp-2016-at-the-summit/march-2016. - to view photos of the Senior GIRLS Camp, please CLICK… Read more
9 March 2016
Al Siraat’s Ms Tanya Kubitza continues cycling for charitable causes. She is on her bike again this month to support “Bicycles for Humanity" and is well on her way towards reaching her cycling goal. Donating to the project will help to increase awareness of sustainability in recycling and re-purposing bicycles, and empower disadvantaged… Read more
9 March 2016
Islamic schools in countries such as Australia, UK, USA and Canada have flourished in size and number over the last three decades, with these schools creating communities and playing an important part in the lives of students. Research has shown the predominant reason for parents to send their children to an Islamic school is to provide… Read more
7 March 2016
Over the last few weeks we have had a large number of parents parking on our neighbours' nature strips and along the north side of Harvest Home Road. We have also had parents speeding both on Harvest Home Road and on site. As a community we need to care for all students, not just our own. This means driving slowly, obeying the guidance… Read more
2 March 2016
There was a great air of excitement and joy this morning at the College when 89 of our Junior students from Years 4 to 6, including Hifz, boarded the couch to take them to the annual Summer Camp at the "Alexandra Adventure Resort" near Lake Eildon. This morning also saw 42 of our Senior boys from Year 7 to 10 leave towards "The Summit"… Read more
25 February 2016
Asalamu Alaikum Dear Parents and Friends. Today we celebrated Al Siraat’s 7th Anniversary after having opened its doors on 25 February 2009. It does not seem like a very long time but we have so much to be thankful for, alhamdulillah. We are certainly blessed in our staff and community support, the facilities and the space that we enjoy… Read more