Al Siraat news

College news – 559 stories

  • Taraweeh Prayers at the ASC Musalla

    11 April 2021

    It is with great joy that we are now able to announce to have Taraweeh prayers back on site in our ASC Musalla this year, alhamdulillah!. Taraweeh prayers for our school community will be offered for both ladies and men, with the following COVID Safe restrictions in place: . - The Taraweeh prayers will commence directly after Isha prayer… Read more

    Taraweeh Prayers at the ASC Musalla
  • 1,000 Followers on Social Media

    31 March 2021

    Alhamdulillah! We are excited, humbled and grateful to have reached 1,000 followers on our official Al Siraat College Facebook page. JazakAllah khairan for your ongoing trust and support, and a warm welcome to our newcomers. To access our official ASC social media page, please click… Read more

    1,000 Followers on Social Media
  • Thank You for joining Earth Hour

    31 March 2021

    A big shout out to our wonderful and caring school community for participating in this year’s Earth Hour on Saturday, 27 March 2021 by switching off power for at least one hour. Candles and lanterns were lit and prayers and Qur'an recited by candlelight that night. Our school community joined a record-breaking 192 countries and… Read more

    Thank You for joining Earth Hour
  • ASC Community News Report (Ep. 4)

    27 March 2021

    Episode 4 of our fortnightly video Community News is out now, and we encourage you and your family to watch it at your own time and space to learn more about the latest events, projects and initiatives happening in our College community. Thank you to Nimra Rashid from Year 8G3 for being this episode’s wonderful news reader, mashaAllah… Read more

    ASC Community News Report (Ep. 4)
  • ASC Student Channel: News Episode 2 of 2021

    24 March 2021

    A warm welcome back to a new episode of our Student Channel. As always, this news is being brought to you by students for students, as well as parents, staff and our wider school community. In today’s Episode 2, our students' focus is on: - Recycling News: Environmental Captain Junayd Ayoubi on SELP Student Environmental Leadership… Read more

    ASC Student Channel: News Episode 2 of 2021
  • Cultural Day Celebrations

    23 March 2021

    Students and staff from across our Primary and Secondary School joined in colourful celebrations across the College for Cultural Day on Monday, 22 March 2021. Students and staff were encouraged to wear their traditional clothes and outfits or put on something orange, making the day a stunning display of our rich and diverse multicultural… Read more

    Cultural Day Celebrations
  • "Be the Change": Young Leaders Harmony Day Forum

    23 March 2021

    Al Siraat College participated in the Young Leaders Harmony Day Forum 2021 at the Islamic Museum of Australia on Friday, 19 March 2021. The event was hosted by Board of Imams Victoria BOIV in collaboration with several young Muslim leadership organisations and included a lively panel discussion on the topic of “Be the Change”. The young… Read more

  • OSHClub: March Newsletter

    23 March 2021

    Welcome to our latest OSHClub Newsletter for March 2021. To view our Newsletter, please click the related publication below. It will give you updates on. - What’s been happening. - Special announcements. - Upcoming events. - Photo gallery and. - Recipe. A reminder that Al Siraat will be holding Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday, 1… Read more

    OSHClub: March Newsletter
  • National Ride2School Day 2021

    19 March 2021

    Well done to all parents/guardians and students who made the efforts to meet super early on a dark and misty morning for National Ride2School Day on today’s Friday, 19 March 2021. Alhamdulillah, for the first time ever, we had not two but THREE groups for the rides with the following teachers Ms Rahat, Mr Kinsella, Ms Safiye and Mr Saleh… Read more

    National Ride2School Day 2021
  • 4 Wells Completed for Ahmad Ghunaym Khan

    19 March 2021

    Al Siraat College is feeling grateful and humbled by the immense outpour of support in donations to build water wells in the name of the late Ahmad Ghunaym Khan as Sadaqat Jariyah. May Allah have mercy on him. We would herewith like to provide you with an update on the current MAA projects and are delighted to announce that FOUR water… Read more

    4 Wells Completed for Ahmad Ghunaym Khan
  • International Women’s Day Celebration

    18 March 2021

    Our SRC Student Representative Council members and Interfaith Ambassadors joined hands to organise a wonderful celebration for our Secondary students and staff for International Women’s Day IWD. IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for… Read more

    International Women’s Day Celebration
  • Recording Now Available: "Understanding Eating Disorders"

    18 March 2021

    We are very grateful to Christine Naismith, Board Director of EDFA Eating Disorders Families Australia for presenting our latest Parent Information Session on the highly important topic of "Understanding Eating Disorders". In her presentation, Christine talked in depth about warning signs, the importance of overcoming stigma and shame… Read more

    Recording Now Available:
  • Road Safety Concerns: Fines will be issued

    17 March 2021

    We have received the following communication from City of Whittlesea, expressing renewed and grave concerns about road safety breaches by members of our school community along Harvest Home Road: "The City of Whittlesea has received community concerns about regular unsafe school community driver behaviour in Harvest Home Road, Epping. The… Read more

    Road Safety Concerns: Fines will be issued
  • ASC Community News Report (Ep. 3)

    15 March 2021

    Episode 3 of our fortnightly Community News video newsletter is now available for you to watch in your own time and space. Thank you to Zainab Al Wathery from Year 9G2 for being this episode’s wonderful news reader, mashaAllah. Watch Episode 3 here now. We will be back with more community news… Read more

    ASC Community News Report (Ep. 3)
  • ResourceSmartSchool Accreditation: Student Environment Leadership Program

    12 March 2021

    Al Siraat students and staff continue working on accreditation to become a ResourceSmartSchool in the future. Managed by Sustainability Victoria, the RSS program provides practical support to reduce resource use and make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond our school gate. Recently, two of… Read more

    ResourceSmartSchool Accreditation: Student Environment Leadership Program
  • Al Siraat COVID Stories Collection

    12 March 2021

    In preserving the stories and experiences of our community, Al Siraat is producing a book of COVID-19 stories. We would really like to hear your stories – what COVID-19 meant to you; how it impacted you and your family; how it impacted your study or work; were there any positive outcomes. Please complete this form to have your stories… Read more

    Al Siraat COVID Stories Collection
  • Connected Seniors Survey

    9 March 2021

    During the lengthy COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, many of our seniors were disconnected from family. In order to help us better understand the needs of our community, we are conducting a survey to see how many seniors/grandparents from our community currently: - don't know how to use the internet. - don't own a device laptop or ipad . - or… Read more

    Connected Seniors Survey
  • Parent Information Session: Understanding Eating Disorder

    8 March 2021

    Please join founder and director of EDFA Eating Disorder Families Australia Christine Naismith for this insightful and important parent information session on "Understand Eating Disorders. The session will help you understand: - What warning signs to look out for. - Overcoming stigma & shame. - What support is available to families . -… Read more

    Parent Information Session: Understanding Eating Disorder
  • Clean Up Australia Activity

    5 March 2021

    Some of our student representatives SRC and student members of our new Environment Program stepped up to volunteer for Clean Up Australia Day, giving up their recess and some class time to clean up our school grounds and facilities. Clean Up Australia Day 2021 falls onto this Sunday, 7 March. We encourage you all to get your friends… Read more

    Clean Up Australia Activity
  • ASC Student Channel: First Episode of 2021

    1 March 2021

    Welcome to the very first news episode of our Student Channel for the new academic year. This is news from Al Siraat students for students, parents and staff. In Episode 1, we bring you interviews with our 2021 College Captains Laila Rashid and Humza Ghouse and introduce you to Al Siraat’s Senior Leadership Team SLT as part of our new… Read more

    ASC Student Channel: First Episode of 2021
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